Shirjeel Yunus has Published 496 Articles

APKPure Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 26-Sep-2023 13:41:16


What is APKPure? APKPure is a platform which can be used to download different kinds of software applications on your Android mobile. APKPure does not remove old and restricted apps so you can find all the apps here. The platform is free as users are allowed to download freeware and ... Read More

Windows Operating System Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:40:35


What is Windows Operating System? Microsoft Windows is a graphical operating system which users can use to view, create, and edit files and folders, play games, listen to music, and do a lot of other things. The first version of this operating system was Windows 1.0 and the current ... Read More

Zapier Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:32:27


What is Zapier? Zapier is an online platform which can be used to connect apps and services. This connection will help in automating workflows. This helps in automating tasks easily and there is no need to hire anybody or make any integration. Zapier can be used easily by creating ... Read More

Toggl Track Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:26:48


What is Toggl Track? Toggl Track is a simple time-tracking app which helps you to get rid of the problem of filling timesheets. The app has compatibility with different platforms like Windows, iOS, Linux, Android, and many more. The app is suitable to be used by companies, teams, and ... Read More Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:20:44


What is is a bookmark manager which helps you to bookmark those sites which you want to visit very often. These websites can be social media, jobs, entertainment, and many more. If you find any website useful to you, you can share the link with This ... Read More

Revolt Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:17:03


What is Revolt? Revolt is a chat application which gives importance to the privacy of users. It is a free and open-source app that allows you to create communities and stay connected with your friends and family. Your data will always be secure and all the conversations will be ... Read More

Pinterest Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:12:47


What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a social media platform which can be used to share images. This is also a bookmarking site and you can find images along with small descriptions. You can find different types of images like recipes, home, style, and many more. Pinterest consists of a ... Read More

LinkedIn Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:07:19


What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a professional network and you can use the platform to look for jobs or internships. You can also post a job if any job vacancy is available in your company. You can also apply for an internship. Professional relationships can be strengthened by connecting ... Read More

Instagram Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 16:00:30


What is Instagram? Instagram is a platform which can be used for sharing images and videos. It is a free platform and can be used on iOS and Android devices. Pictures and videos uploaded by users can be easily shared with a group of friends or an individual. You ... Read More

GDevelop Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus

Shirjeel Yunus

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 15:56:36


What is GDevelop? GDevelop is a game engine which users can use to develop games without having any development experience. No coding is required to develop the games. GDevelop can be used either on a browser or can be installed as a standalone app on the desktop. The platform ... Read More
