Shilpa S has Published 58 Articles

List some benefits of using React Native for building mobile apps?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:53:46


The increase in the popularity of IOs and Android apps nowadays there are lots of companies building apps and want them to develop in a faster way. A fully native app is getting very expensive as it requires separate teams to work on iOS and Android. ReactNative is a good ... Read More

What is the SectionList component and how to use it in React Native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:49:46


An interface that helps to render the lists in sections. Some of the important features of SectionList are −Header/Footer support to the ListHeader/Footer support to the sectionScroll LoadingPull to refreshFully cross-platformThe basic SectionList component looks as follows −To work with SectionList import the component as shown below −import { SectionList ... Read More

What is the FlatList component and how to use it in React Native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:39:01

1K+ Views

FlatList is a container that can be used to load the list items. It offers header and footer support, multiple column support, comes with vertical/horizontal scrolling, lazy loading etc.Here are some important features of FlatList −Comes with scroll loadingAble to adjust the scroll by using ScrolltoIndex supportComes with header and ... Read More

What is a ScrollView component and how to use it in React Native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:29:51


The ScrollView is a scrolling container that can accommodate multiple components and views. It is one of the core components in reactnative and using it you can scroll both vertically and horizontally.ScrollView will map to its native equivalent based on the platform it is running. So on android the view ... Read More

What is a View component and how to use it in React Native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:24:52


View is the most common as well as the core element in React Native. You can consider it as an equivalent of the div element used in web development.View will map to its native equivalent based on the platform it is running. So on android the view will map to ... Read More

How to add styling or css to your app using reactnative?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:14:10


Styling your app can be done as follows −Using Stylesheet componentUsing Inline stylesUsing Stylesheet componentReact native Stylesheet component comes very handy and neat when you want to apply styling to your app. To work with Stylesheet component first import it as shown below −import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';You can ... Read More

What are props in react native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:09:22


Props are properties that help to modify the react component. The component created can be used with different parameters using props concept. With props you can pass the information from one component to another and at the same time re-use the component as per your requirement.You will be familiar with ... Read More

What is a state in react native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:06:21

1K+ Views

State is the place where the data comes from. We should always try to make our state as simple as possible and minimize the number of stateful components. If we have, for example, ten components that need data from the state, we should create one container component that will keep ... Read More

List the important core components of React Native

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 07:02:42


The most important core components in react native are as follows −React Native componentAndroid Native ViewIOS Native ViewWeb BrowserDescriptionView - When the app is seen in Android device the component will be changed to when the app is seen in IOS device the component will be changed to ... Read More

What is React Native?

Shilpa S

Shilpa S

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 06:57:24


React Native is an open source JavaScript Mobile framework from Facebook specially designed to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android. React Native is based on ReactJS JavaScript library that helps to build the user interface for mobile platforms.React Native can be directly used inside an existing IOS or ... Read More
