Shibanshu Manna has Published 18 Articles

How To Check Or Find If Value Exists In Another Column?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 14:15:17

103K+ Views

When working with a large array of cells, manually cross-checking if a specific cell value is repeated in another column in the spreadsheet can be difficult and lead to skewed results. Fortunately, there are several options in Microsoft Excel that allow you to do this quickly and efficiently. In a ... Read More

How To Combine Date And Time Columns Into One Column In Google Sheets?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:07:56


Many professionals use Google Sheets to keep a record of time and date for HR and other purposes. While manually entering the values can take a lot of time, you can use the in-built features in Google Sheets to combine values in one cell. With this tutorial, we ... Read More

How To Combine Multiple Cells Into A Cell With Space, Commas Or Other Separators In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:02:22


In Microsoft Excel, combining the contents of multiple cells into a single cell with separators like spaces, commas, or other characters can be a valuable data manipulation and analysis technique. This helps the user to create concatenated strings that bring together information from different cells in a structured manner. ... Read More

How To Combine Multiple Columns Into One Single Column In Google Sheet?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 11:59:25

4K+ Views

A useful technique for organising and analysing data scattered in different columns is to combine them to just one column. Whether you want to merge related information or create a consolidated view, Google Sheets provides powerful tools to accomplish this task efficiently. In this tutorial we will explore two easy ... Read More

How To Check Or Find If A Cell Contains A Specific String/Text/Word In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 11:57:19


One of the key content inputs in Excel is strings. Strings refer to a sequence of characters or text like letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. An Excel string can also represent a name, address, description, or any other textual information. Excel treats it as alphanumeric data rather than just numerical ... Read More

How To Combine Duplicate Rows And Sum The Values In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 11:54:06

8K+ Views

If you enter data from multiple sources in your Excel worksheet, you are likely to enter duplicate information. These duplicate entries of data sets would need to be consolidated in order to rectify the error. ​​In a small dataset, duplicate values are easier to spot and correct; however, ... Read More

How To Check Spelling One By One Or Automatically In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:49:34


The Microsoft Excel program can organize data, conduct business analyses, and manage operations and people, such as sorting working hours, organizing employee profiles and expenses, and helping businesses understand better about their workforce structure and activities. However, when it comes to something simple yet integral, like spelling and grammar checks, ... Read More

How To Check If a Worksheet Or Workbook Is Protected In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:41:30

2K+ Views

When working with Microsoft Excel, you find that some tools and features aren't working as usual. This may happen because the worksheet or the workbook in Excel is protected. Protecting a worksheet is a common practice to keep information safe before sharing. It prevents other users from changing, modifying, or ... Read More

How To Clear The Entire Sheet Or Specified Range In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:37:40


Do you often encounter too much data and spend a lot of time selecting and clearing Excel sheets? If so, this tutorial will be helpful to you. When analysing elaborative Excel worksheets, removing non-relevant information often makes it easier to study them. This tutorial explains how to clear an ... Read More

How to Check The Size of Each Worksheet of a Workbook?

Shibanshu Manna

Shibanshu Manna

Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:36:32

4K+ Views

It is commonly known that when you right-click on an Excel file, you can see its properties and size. But what about when you want to know the size of individual worksheets within the file? Accountants and data analysts maintain large Excel workbooks with multiple worksheets. Understanding the file size ... Read More
