Saurabh Anand has Published 24 Articles

ES6 Trampoline Function

Saurabh Anand

Saurabh Anand

Updated on 19-Jan-2023 12:50:38


In this tutorial, we will mainly focus on the Trampoline function that appeared first in ES6(ECMAScript 6). We will start with the discussion of the Trampoline function. Need of using the Trampoline function. Advantages and disadvantages of using the Trampoline function. Now, let’s see the Trampoline function. What is a ... Read More

ES6 Features and Syntax

Saurabh Anand

Saurabh Anand

Updated on 19-Jan-2023 12:43:59


ECMAScript 6, also known as ES6 or ECMAScript 2015, is the latest version of the ECMAScript language specification. It was released in 2015 and introduced many new features and syntax improvements to JavaScript, making it easier to write and maintain complex applications. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at ... Read More

Error: Permission denied to access property ‘target’ in JavaScript

Saurabh Anand

Saurabh Anand

Updated on 19-Jan-2023 12:16:44

3K+ Views

"Error − Permission denied to access property 'target'" is a common error message that can occur when working with JavaScript, especially when attempting to access the target property of an event object. This error occurs when a script is trying to access a property or method of an object that ... Read More

Error.prototype.toString() Method in JavaScript

Saurabh Anand

Saurabh Anand

Updated on 19-Jan-2023 11:55:48

1K+ Views

JavaScript is a widely-used programming language known for its flexibility and ease of use. One of the key features of the language is its ability to throw and handle errors. The Error.prototype.toString() method is a built-in method in JavaScript that allows developers to create and manipulate error objects. In this ... Read More
