Satish Kumar has Published 1040 Articles

Remove the First Line of a Text File in Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 11:31:42

23K+ Views

There are several ways to remove the first line of a text file in Linux. In this article, we will go over three different methods that can be used to accomplish this task. Method 1: Using the head Command The head command is a Linux utility that is used to ... Read More

Redirecting the Output of an Already Running Process on Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 11:31:07

2K+ Views

Linux is a powerful operating system that allows users to perform a wide range of tasks, including redirecting the output of an already running process. This feature is particularly useful when you want to send the output of a process to a file, a different terminal window, or even a ... Read More

How to Clean a Linux Zombie Process

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 11:00:28

13K+ Views

Introduction A Linux zombie process is a process that has completed execution, but its parent process has not yet collected its exit status. These processes can cause system slowdowns and memory leaks if left unaddressed. In this article, we will discuss how to clean up a Linux zombie process and ... Read More

Why Should We Disable Root-login over SSH on Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:58:59

1K+ Views

Root-login over SSH is a common method for gaining access to a Linux server, but it is not always the most secure option. In this article, we will explore the reasons why disabling root-login over SSH is a good idea, and provide examples of how to do so. What is ... Read More

How to Create a crontab Through a Script on Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:58:05


Creating a crontab through a script on Linux is a simple and efficient way to automate repetitive tasks and schedule them to run at specific intervals. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to create a crontab through a script on Linux, including examples and tips ... Read More

Difference Between .bashrc, .bash-profile, and .profile

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:57:20

8K+ Views

When working with the command line on a Unix or Linux operating system, there are three files that play an important role in setting up and configuring your shell environment: .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .profile. These files are used to customize your shell environment and set up different settings and configurations ... Read More

Checking Host’s Network Availability in Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:56:19

3K+ Views

When working with Linux systems, it is important to be able to check the network availability of a specific host. This can be useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues, monitoring network performance, or simply checking the status of a specific server or device. In this article, we will discuss several methods ... Read More

Using sed With a Literal String Instead of an Input File

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:55:31


Introduction Sed, short for Stream Editor, is a powerful command-line tool that is used to manipulate and transform text. It is commonly used to perform operations on input files, such as replacing text, deleting lines, and inserting new text. However, sed can also be used with a literal string instead ... Read More

When to Use an Alias vs Script vs a New Function in Bash

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:54:54


When working with Bash, it's important to understand the differences between using an alias, a script, and a new function. Each has its own unique use case and can be used to accomplish different tasks. Aliases An alias is a way to create a shortcut for a command or series ... Read More

Encrypting and Decrypting Directory in Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:54:20

7K+ Views

There are several ways to encrypt and decrypt directories in Linux, but one popular method is to use the "ecryptfs" utility. This utility allows you to encrypt a directory using the user's login passphrase, and automatically decrypts the directory when the user logs in. Gpgtar gpgtar is a utility that ... Read More
