Satish Kumar has Published 1040 Articles

How to identify hostname and host ID for license generation

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:53:00

1K+ Views

Introduction License generation is an essential aspect of software development. It ensures that only authorized users have access to specific software, thereby preventing piracy and unauthorized use. One of critical elements of license generation is identification of hostname and host ID. In this article, we will discuss how to identify ... Read More

Replacing and then opening stdinstdout over ssh

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:51:50


Introduction When it comes to remote access, SSH (Secure Shell) is one of most widely used protocols for secure communication. It allows users to remotely access and control servers, and also allows for secure transfer of data. However, sometimes you may need to replace and then open stdin/stdout over SSH ... Read More

General DaemonServer Design - Best Practices (CC++, Linux)

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:50:46


Introduction In today’s world, where usage of computers is everywhere, it’s almost impossible not to encounter a daemon server. Daemon servers are crucial for any system to perform tasks in background, without disturbing user’s experience. They are responsible for tasks such as managing file systems, networking, security, and many more. ... Read More

Using direct IO with ecryptfs and similar stackable file systems

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:49:07


Introduction Encryption is process of converting plain text into an unreadable format known as ciphertext. encrypted text can only be read with help of a secret key or password. In modern era, encryption has become a very important tool for maintaining data privacy and security. ecryptfs is a popular encryption ... Read More

How do you determine which individual pages are resident on Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:47:54


As a Linux user, it is essential to have a good understanding of how to determine which individual pages are resident on your system. This knowledge can help you optimize your system's performance and avoid memory issues. In this article, we will discuss different ways to identify resident pages on ... Read More

Compiling native GCC for arm using cross-compiler

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:47:15

4K+ Views

Introduction Cross-compiling is process of compiling program for different system than one it is being compiled on. It is typically done to target embedded systems or compile for a different architecture than host system. process of cross-compiling for ARM is essential when targeting embedded systems that are commonly found in ... Read More

Multiple simultaneous downloads using Wget

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:46:25

4K+ Views

When it comes to downloading files from internet, there are numerous ways to go about it. One such method is using command-line tool Wget, which is an extremely versatile and powerful utility for downloading files. Wget is a popular tool among developers, system administrators, and even casual users due to ... Read More

Linux Commands Comparison curl vs wget

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:45:21

14K+ Views

Introduction Linux is a versatile operating system that is popular among developers, system administrators, and enthusiasts. It offers a variety of tools to help users perform various tasks, and two of most commonly used command-line utilities are curl and wget. Both these commands are used to download files from internet, ... Read More

Common Linux Text Search

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:43:54


Introduction Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used for servers, workstations, and mobile devices. It is well-known for its stability, reliability, and security. One of most useful features of Linux is its command-line interface (CLI), which allows users to perform various tasks quickly and efficiently. In this ... Read More

Splitting Files in Unix Systems

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:43:15


Introduction Unix systems have been popular for their efficiency and versatility in handling file operations. One of common operations is to split files into smaller chunks to make them more manageable. split command in Unix is used to achieve this task. This command allows user to split a large file ... Read More
