Satish Kumar has Published 1040 Articles

Connecting From Docker Containers to Resources in Host

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 23-Mar-2023 15:13:20

2K+ Views

Introduction Docker is a popular platform that enables users to run and manage applications inside containers. Docker containers provide a lightweight and efficient way of isolating applications and their dependencies from underlying host system. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to connect from a Docker container to resources ... Read More

Why Do We Use su – and Not Just su

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 23-Mar-2023 10:45:01

1K+ Views

Introduction The Linux operating system is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features and functionalities to its users. One of most common tasks performed by system administrators on Linux systems is to switch to root user account using su command. However, in some cases, it is recommended ... Read More

Easy Ways to Determine Virtualization Technology

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 23-Mar-2023 10:31:49


Virtualization technology has been a game-changer for IT industry, offering businesses and organizations an efficient and cost-effective solution to manage their IT infrastructure. Virtualization enables organizations to consolidate multiple servers into one physical host, reducing need for additional hardware and saving on energy and maintenance costs. Virtualization also allows organizations ... Read More

Linux Kernel Versions 32-Bit vs 64-Bit

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 23-Mar-2023 10:28:16

2K+ Views

Introduction Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, supercomputers, and embedded systems. kernel is core component of Linux, which controls all resources and services of system. Linux kernel comes in two versions, 32-bit and 64-bit, which have some significant differences. In this article, we will ... Read More

Installing Java on Linux using SSH

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 17:07:27

1K+ Views

Java is a popular programming language that is widely used for developing various types of software applications. Linux is one of most popular operating systems used for software development due to its stability, security, and open-source nature. In this article, we will discuss how to install Java on Linux using ... Read More

Generating an SHA-256 Hash From Command Line

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:31:49

11K+ Views

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, security concerns continue to grow. It's more important than ever to ensure that our data is secure and protected from cybercriminals. One way to help protect data is to use a hash function. SHA-256 is one such hash function that can ... Read More

Introduction to Iptables

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:31:19

4K+ Views

Introduction to iptables Iptables is a Linux-based firewall application that controls incoming and outgoing traffic. It is a powerful tool that can be used to secure a server, limit access to specific applications or services, and mitigate risk of malicious attacks. This article will provide an introduction to iptables, its ... Read More

Tracking Down Where Disk Space Has Gone on Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:30:54

8K+ Views

As a Linux user, you might have come across a situation where you ran out of disk space, but you are not sure where all space has gone. It can be frustrating, but fortunately, there are several tools and techniques you can use to track down where disk space has ... Read More

What does opt mean in Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:30:28

1K+ Views

Linux is a popular operating system that is widely used for its open-source nature and flexibility. Linux command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows users to control and manipulate their system. One of most commonly used commands in Linux CLI is "opt." In this article, we will ... Read More

What Does a Double-Dash in Shell Commands Mean

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:30:03

3K+ Views

Introduction If you are familiar with command line interface, you have probably encountered a double-dash (--) in some of commands you use. This article seeks to explain what double-dash means and how it affects behavior of shell commands. What is a Double-Dash in Shell Commands? A double-dash is a syntax ... Read More
