Satish Kumar has Published 1040 Articles

Bash Export Variable

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:23:36

7K+ Views

Bash is one of most commonly used shells in Unix-based operating systems. It is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with system and execute various commands. Bash is an essential tool for system administrators, developers, and programmers. One of features of Bash is ability to export variables. In ... Read More

Bash declare Statement Syntax and Examples

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 14:07:14

5K+ Views

As a Linux user, you've probably heard of Bash shell. Bash is a powerful tool that allows you to perform a variety of tasks on your system. One of most useful features of Bash is declare statement. In this article, we'll explore what declare statement is, how it works, and ... Read More

Bash Continue How to Resume a Loop

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 14:02:52

2K+ Views

Bash is a popular command-line interface shell that is used extensively in Linux and Unix operating systems. One of most useful features of Bash is its ability to execute loops, which allow you to automate repetitive tasks. However, sometimes you may want to interrupt a loop and then continue it ... Read More

Bash break How to Exit From a Loop

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 13:56:27

14K+ Views

If you are a Linux or Unix user, then you might be familiar with Bash shell. Bash is a popular command-line interpreter that is widely used in Linux, macOS, and other Unix-like operating systems. It is a powerful tool for running scripts, automating tasks, and working with command line. One ... Read More

Bare Metal Cloud Storage Management via Portal and API

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 13:54:35


In recent years, bare metal cloud storage has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses of all sizes. This type of cloud storage offers a number of benefits, including increased security, scalability, and flexibility. However, managing bare metal cloud storage can be a complex task, especially for businesses with limited ... Read More

Bandwidth – A Network Bandwidth Utilization Tool for Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 13:42:37


Bandwidth is a crucial factor when it comes to network utilization. It determines amount of data that can be transmitted through a network connection in a given time frame. Linux provides a range of network tools to monitor and manage bandwidth utilization. Among these tools, Bandwidth is a reliable and ... Read More

Axel – A Command-Line File Download Accelerator for Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 13:40:33

1K+ Views

If you're a Linux user who often downloads files from web, you might be familiar with slow download speeds that come with it. Fortunately, there's a tool called Axel that can help you accelerate your file downloads from command line. In this article, we'll discuss what Axel is, how it ... Read More

AWK Command in Linux with Examples

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 13:39:33

9K+ Views

If you're working with Linux, then you may have come across AWK command. AWK is a powerful text processing tool that is used for a variety of tasks such as filtering, manipulating and transforming data. In this article, we'll explore AWK command in detail, including its syntax, functions, and examples ... Read More

Automatic Performance Tuning of CentOS/RHEL Servers

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 11:26:21


Introduction Servers play a vital role in smooth functioning of any organization's IT infrastructure. They are responsible for hosting critical applications, databases, and other services. Hence, it is essential to ensure that servers are configured optimally for maximum performance and reliability. However, performance tuning can be a time-consuming and complex ... Read More

Automated Installations of Multiple RHEL Distributions using PXE Server and Kickstart

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 11:25:06


In world of IT, efficiency is key. Whether it's managing a data center, deploying a new software update, or configuring new hardware, streamlining processes can make all difference. One of most important areas where this is true is in installation and configuration of operating systems. And when it comes to ... Read More
