Satish Kumar has Published 1040 Articles

The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 03-Nov-2023 03:44:26

44K+ Views

What is Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (exponential key exchange)? The Diffie-Hellman key exchange (also known as exponential key exchange) is a method for securely exchanging cryptographic keys over an insecure channel. It is a fundamental building block of many secure communication protocols, including SSL/TLS and SSH. The Diffie-Hellman key exchange works ... Read More

Run a Script on Startup in Linux

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 20:53:41

67K+ Views

There are several ways to run a script on startup in Linux, depending on your specific distribution and the type of script you are trying to run. Using systemd − On systems that use systemd, you can create a systemd service file for your script and configure it to ... Read More

File transfer protocol server configuration using cisco packet tracer

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:41:19

2K+ Views

Introduction A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server is a network protocol that allows users to transfer files between computers over internet or a local area network (LAN). FTP servers are commonly used in businesses and organizations for file sharing and storage. In this article, we will discuss how to configure ... Read More

File Service Architecture in Distributed System

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:37:55

1K+ Views

Introduction In distributed systems, file service architecture is an essential component that enables users to access and manipulate files remotely. file service architecture enables multiple users to access a shared file system over a network. This article will explore file service architecture in distributed systems, including its design, components, and ... Read More

File Accessing Models in Distributed System

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:35:11


In a distributed system, multiple computers work together to provide a cohesive service to users. One of most critical components of a distributed system is ability to access files stored on different computers in network. Different file accessing models have been developed to manage this complexity and ensure efficient and ... Read More

Fiber Optics Broadband Connection

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:33:44


In today's digital age, high-speed internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With growing demand for streaming services, video conferencing, and online gaming, traditional copper-based internet connections are becoming outdated. Fiber optics broadband connection has emerged as go-to solution for reliable, high-speed internet that meets needs of modern-day ... Read More

Features of Good Message Passing in Distributed System

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:25:59


In a distributed system, message passing is a critical component of communication between processes or nodes. Message passing allows processes to share data, coordinate their activities, and respond to changes in system. A well-designed message passing system can improve performance, reliability, and scalability of a distributed system. In this article, ... Read More

Features of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:11:23


Introduction The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a widely used routing protocol in computer networks. It is an advanced version of Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), which was developed by Cisco Systems. EIGRP is an advanced, distance vector, routing protocol that provides faster convergence and better scalability compared ... Read More

Fast Recovery Technique For Loss Recovery in TCP

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:08:44


Introduction Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a widely used protocol for data transmission over internet. However, data transmission over TCP is not always error-free. transmission can be disrupted due to several reasons such as network congestion, packet loss, or failure of intermediate devices. In such cases, TCP uses a loss ... Read More

Extended Access List

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:01:33


Introduction Access control lists (ACLs) are an important component of network security. ACLs are used to regulate network traffic and restrict access to network resources. An ACL is a set of rules that is applied to a network interface, router or firewall, which dictates which packets are allowed to pass ... Read More
