Sabid Ansari has Published 199 Articles

Buffered Channel in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:03:31


A buffered channel in Golang is a particular kind of channel that enables several values to be transmitted and received without blocking. In this post, we'll talk about buffered channels in Golang, their syntax, and some real-world uses. What is a Buffered Channel? In Golang, a channel type that can ... Read More

Bitwise NOT Operator in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:02:46

1K+ Views

The caret (^) character in Golang stands in for the bitwise NOT operator. By flipping 0s and 1s into 1s and 0s into 0s, this operator inverts the bits of an integer value. We'll talk about Golang's bitwise NOT operator and some real-world uses for it in this article. What ... Read More

Bits Package in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:01:25


Bits package in Golang has functions for changing a binary number's individual bits. This package is very helpful in low-level applications like networking, cryptography, and bitwise operations. This post will go through the Golang bits package and show you how to utilise it in a real-world application. Introduction to ... Read More

Basics of JSON with GoLang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:59:21


JSON has grown in popularity as a data format for transferring data across apps in recent years. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a compact and simple-to-understand standard for exchanging data. It is widely used in server-to-server communication, mobile applications, and web applications. Its simplicity, concurrency, and scalability make GoLang a ... Read More

Base64.DecodeString() Function in Golang With Examples

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:56:45


The base64 package in Golang provides several functions for encoding and decoding binary data in base64 format. DecodeString(), one of the most often used functions, decodes a base64-encoded string and returns the original binary data. We will thoroughly examine the DecodeString() method and discover how to decode base64-encoded data in ... Read More

Base64 Package in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:55:29


Base64 package in Golang is a standard library package that offers capabilities for base64-encoding and -decoding binary data. Base64 is a popular method of encoding that enables binary data to be represented using just sharable ASCII letters, making it perfect for transmission over text-based protocols like HTTP and SMTP. We'll ... Read More

Auto Format Go Programming Language Source Code with Gofmt

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:52:32


Let's look at how ‘gofmt’ can automatically style your Go source code in a consistent manner so that it is easier to understand and manage. In order to write readable, maintainable code, it must be formatted correctly. Go source code can be formatted using the 'gofmt' command-line tool. Using a ... Read More

Atomic Variable in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:50:11

1K+ Views

Atomic Variable in Golang offer an alternative to use locks or other synchronisation primitives to execute atomic operations on shared variables. When programming concurrently, synchronisation and mutual exclusion are essential to ensuring that threads or processes can access shared resources without interfering with one another. The fast and scalable synchronisation ... Read More

Anonymous Structure and Field in Golang

Sabid Ansari

Sabid Ansari

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:48:43

1K+ Views

Anonymous structures and fields in Golang are a powerful feature that can be used to simplify and improve the readability of your code. These constructs allow you to define new data types on the fly without having to create a new named struct. Let's examine anonymous fields and structures in ... Read More
