Rushi Javiya has Published 170 Articles

Does Google Crawl JavaScript with Body Content

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:15:57


Historically, search engine crawlers like Googlebot could only read the static HTML source code and could not scan and index material written dynamically using JavaScript. This changed, though, with the rise of JavaScript-rich websites and frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.JS, as well as single-page apps (SPAs) and progressive web ... Read More

Top 7 Reasons to Love JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:09:50


JavaScript is a dynamic programming language for creating websites, online apps, video games, and many other things. You can add dynamic website features that you couldn't achieve with only HTML and CSS. JavaScript is a programming language widely used by browsers to create dynamic online content. You may witness the ... Read More

Examples of How 'text+=""' in JavaScript Work

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:07:54


In this tutorial, let us discuss why we need the indication 'text += " " ' in Javascript. The indication here is to assign a block of code to a variable. The variable here is 'text', '+' is the string concatenation operator, '=' is the assignment operator, " ' " ... Read More

7 Best JavaScript IDE or Code Editors

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:00:00


In this tutorial, we can discover the best software for Java Scripting. JavaScript makes your websites interactive and dynamic. You must pick a good JavaScript editor to write your code with ease. This article will give you a short introduction to the available JavaScript software with its pros and cons. ... Read More

JavaScript vs. PHP: Which is Easier?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:55:46


In this tutorial, let us compare Javascript and PHP to find which is easy. PHP is an object-oriented server coding language that came up in 1994. PHP is secure, synchronous, and scalable. PHP develops dynamic webpages. Javascript is also an object-oriented client-side programming language released in 1995. Humans can read ... Read More

Which Android Browser Has The Best JavaScript Support?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:46:33


In this tutorial, we find which browser has the best JavaScript support. Most browsers support JavaScript because of its popularity and simplicity. Like web browsers, Android browsers also provide support for JavaScript. The best JavaScript-supporting browsers are Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. On Android device, Chrome is the ... Read More

How To Run JavaScript Online?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:41:27

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, let us discuss the best way to run Javascript online. As we know, Javascript is a popular language. There are many options to run Javascript online. Optimizing runtime and memory usage is the challenge all these tools face. A simple way to run Javascript is the browser ... Read More

Game Development Using JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:39:42

3K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn about whether we can create games using JavaScript or not. We can, of course. JavaScript games are entertaining, simple, and a fantastic method for youngsters to learn how to code. Nearly all internet websites employ the popular programming language known as JavaScript. A web ... Read More

Best Online Sources To Learn JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:32:15

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, we shall discover the best online source to learn JavaScript. JavaScript is a client-side language for website development. JavaScript is handy for responsive website development. Learning JavaScript is essential because of the increased resource requirements. There are many free resources available to learn Javascript online. Let us ... Read More

Role of Canvas Javascript API in Major Browsers

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 14:25:25


The canvas JavaScript API is a powerful tool for creating and manipulating graphics on the web. It allows you to draw 2D graphics using JavaScript code and is supported by most modern web browsers. Game manipulation, animation, video processing, and many more are there from Canvas API. The canvas API ... Read More
