Rushi Javiya has Published 170 Articles

Explain Promise.race() with async-await in JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:19:30

1K+ Views

We will learn about the Promise.race() method in this tutorial. As the name of the race() method suggests, promises passed as a parameter of the race() method do the race to execute. So, Whichever promise will be resolved first, will be executed only by the race() method, and other promises ... Read More

Explain Promise.any() with async-await in JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:17:09


We will learn about any() method of the promise in this tutorial. In JavaScript, we can use the promises to handle the asynchronous request. Writing the asynchronous code in our application to fetch the data makes it faster as it executes the other code without waiting for the data. Promise.any() ... Read More

Explain Popup Message using Event?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:14:48


We can show the popup message to the app users using the popup box. We will learn about the different types of JavaScript popup boxes in this tutorial. There are three different types of popup boxes available in JavaScript below. Alert box Confirm box Prompt box We will ... Read More

Explain Passport in Node.js?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:11:01

2K+ Views

The Passport is a node package, or library which we can install in any nodeJs project. The Passport provides the functionality for authentication in the app. Also, it provides different encryption strategies to encrypt user information, such as a password. For example, what if Facebook or Google employees could see ... Read More

Explain page redirection in ES6?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:02:25


This tutorial will cover page redirection, introduced in the ES6 version of JavaScript. Page redirection is a way to send web page visitors to another URL from the current URL. We can redirect users to either the different web pages of the same website or another website or server. In ... Read More

Explain non-boolean value coercion to a boolean one in JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:00:37


We will learn non−boolean value coercion to a Boolean one in JavaScript. For beginners, coercion word is new in JavaScript. So, let’s clarify what coercion. Coercion is converting the variable of one data type to another data type. As we all know, JavaScript is not a type−strict language. So, we ... Read More

Top Practical Applications of JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:39:32


In this article, we will learn the best things done using JavaScript. A global programming language is JavaScript. Although it is present everywhere, it is also far more potent. JavaScript is significantly more versatile than only web-related tasks. This language brings up a lot of additional exciting options. JavaScript is ... Read More

Why do we Use JavaScript in HTML?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:26:01

1K+ Views

First, we will learn about what JavaScript is. When a web website does more than sit there and present you with static information, such as showing timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D visuals, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. JavaScript will almost certainly be used. In addition, you can add advanced ... Read More

Can Search Engines Index JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:20:25


JavaScript gives the user an intuitive, dynamic, and interactive online experience. When crawling conventional HTML pages, everything is simple, and the procedure is quick. Googlebot may visit simultaneously after downloading an HTML file and extracting the source code's links. After downloading the CSS files, the page is indexed by Google's ... Read More

What is JavaScript used for?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 28-Dec-2022 15:17:08


JavaScript, a text-based computer language used both on the client and server sides, has made making interactive web pages possible. JavaScript adds interactive aspects to online sites that keep users interested, whereas HTML and CSS are languages that provide web page structure and design. JavaScript is frequently used in everyday ... Read More
