Rushi Javiya has Published 170 Articles

Explain the purpose of never type in TypeScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 10:13:24

2K+ Views

TypeScript is a type-strict language in which we need to define the type for every variable. Also, we need to define the return type of the function and the types of parameters of the function. The never is also one of type in TypeScript like other data types such as ... Read More

Explain the different variants of for loop in TypeScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 10:04:21


In any programming language, we use the loops to execute the same code block repeatedly or multiple times. The loops allow us to write less code to execute the same code block many times. The for loop is one of the loops in TypeScript. As given below, there are also ... Read More

Explain the Tuple Types in TypeScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 10:01:18


We will learn about the tuple types in TypeScript. In JavaScript, an array can contain elements of different data types. Still, as TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and type-strict language, a TypeScript array can contain only single types of elements. So, the tuple allows us to store elements of ... Read More

Explain the symbol type in TypeScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:58:20

5K+ Views

The Symbol is introduced in the last main revision of JavaScript, ES6. The Symbol is a data type. As we use the number, string, or Boolean to create the variables of different data-type, we can use the symbol type to create the Symbol. Using the symbol types has many benefits ... Read More

Extract unique objects by attribute from an array of objects in JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:54:24

6K+ Views

We will learn to extract unique objects by attribute from an array of objects in this tutorial. Sometimes, we need to filter objects from the array of objects based on a particular attribute. For example, we have an id as a key to identify the object. So, we need to ... Read More

Explore the concept of JavaScript Function Scope and different types of JavaScript Functions

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:50:37


In JavaScript, various scopes allow us to access the functions and variables from different places in our code. We will learn about the function scope in this tutorial. Also, we will explore the different types of function expressions in JavaScript. Function Scope When we create a new function in JavaScript, ... Read More

Explain the purpose of the ‘in’ operator in JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:46:28


This tutorial will teach about the ‘in’ operator in JavaScript. There are many operators available in JavaScript, such as arithmetic operators to perform mathematical operations, assignment operators, equality operators, etc. The ‘in’ operator is also one of them, which we can use to find properties from the object. Before we ... Read More

Explain the concepts of functional programming in JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:43:02


There are mainly two programming paradigms: The imperative programming paradigm and the declarative programming paradigm. Functional programming is a subtype of the declarative paradigm. The paradigm word refers to the approach to solving a particular problem. Functional programming has been in use for the last decades but came in the ... Read More

Explain sub-classes and inheritance in ES6

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 17-Jan-2023 09:40:52


In JavaScript, developers used the prototype to inherit the function with another function in ES5. In the ES6, classes introduced in JavaScript can be used for inheritance as other programming language does. What are sub-classes and inheritance? As the subclass word represents, it is a child class of another class. ... Read More

Can JavaScript be used for Android Development?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 16-Jan-2023 17:58:57

2K+ Views

Since smartphones are so close to people, mobile app development has begun to influence the world. A combination of languages, primarily JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, is utilized to construct all types of coding. The development of mobile apps is now one of the most crucial areas of current technology developments. ... Read More
