Rushi Javiya has Published 170 Articles

Java Program to Extract Digits from A Given Integer

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 31-May-2024 14:02:14

9K+ Views

In Java programming, there are scenarios where we need to extract individual digits from an integer for further manipulation or analysis. This tutorial will guide you through the process of extracting digits from a given integer using Java. Syntax while (num > 0) { int digit = num % 10; ... Read More

How to clear cache memory using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 02:57:17

28K+ Views

Cache memory, often known as cache, is a different memory system in a computer that stores frequently used data and instructions for a short period. While loading a website, the browser we are using will automatically cache some resources, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets, to be utilized again when ... Read More

How to check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 07-Oct-2023 01:02:59

30K+ Views

In the HTML, the radio buttons allow developers to create multiple options for a choice. Users can select any option, and we can get its value and know which option users have selected from the multiple options. So, it is important to check which radio button the user selects to ... Read More

Top must-know Features of JavaScript

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 04-Oct-2023 21:10:24

27K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will understand the special features of Javascript. Javascript is a popular programming language. Javascript features are flexible. Many open-source libraries are available. GitHub contains a large volume of Javascript code by developers across the world. Javascript works well in the front end and back end. Javascript ... Read More

How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button or JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 16:07:01

38K+ Views

Nowadays, many applications allow their users to upload and download files. For example, plagiarism checker tools allow users to upload a document file with some text. After that, it checks for plagiarism and generates a report, and users can download it. Everyone knows to create an upload file button using ... Read More

How to clear the form after submitting in JavaScript without using reset?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 02:08:46

36K+ Views

On the internet, we will find very few websites that don’t contain the form. Most websites contain the contact form, some contain the job application form, and some contain the product order form. The form allows us to take input from users and manipulate it at the front end or ... Read More

How to Validate Mobile Number Length in ReactJS?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 08-Sep-2023 12:58:57


Nowadays, validation of mobile number input is a required feature for any application, and it requires validation of the length of the mobile number. Many apps use the mobile number for authentication purposes, sending OTP to users' mobile numbers for successful authentication. If the user enters the wrong mobile number, ... Read More

How to Validate an Email in ReactJS?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 08-Sep-2023 12:56:23

4K+ Views

Email validation is an important feature we need to add to the authentication form. Nowadays, most applications use email and a one-time password for authentication. If the user enters the wrong email, they should not be able to authenticate their selves. Also, we need to validate the email while getting ... Read More

How to validate a Date in ReactJS?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 08-Sep-2023 12:52:08

2K+ Views

Sometimes, we require to take the date from the users' string format. So, users can make mistakes while entering the date value into the input field. So, we need to validate the date string at our end in the application code. Below, we will learn various solutions to validate the ... Read More

How to Trim White Spaces from input in ReactJS?

Rushi Javiya

Rushi Javiya

Updated on 08-Sep-2023 12:46:35

4K+ Views

We will learn to trim white spaces from the input in ReactJS. Sometimes, users add unnecessary space at the start or end of the input by mistake. So, as a developer, we need to check if the input string contains the white space at the start or end. If we ... Read More

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