Rohan Singh has Published 171 Articles

iconphoto() method in Tkinter - Python

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 12:01:43


Tkinter is a Python library that is used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Tkinter provides various methods and functionalities to enhance and customize the appearance of the GUI application window. The iconphoto() method is used to set icons for the Tkinter application window. In this article, we will understand ... Read More

HTML Cleaning and Entity Conversion - Python

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 12:00:11


Hypertext markup language i.e. HTML is a markup language that is used to create webpages content on the internet. HTML document files may contain some unwanted or malicious elements which can cause several issues while rendering the webpage. Before processing the HTML content we need to perform HTML cleaning for ... Read More

How to Zip two lists of lists in Python?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:58:35


Two lists of lists can be merged in Python using the zip() function. Combining two lists of lists can be particularly valuable when dealing with tabular or multidimensional data, as it allows for combining related information from different sources. The zip() function, a powerful built-in tool in Python, facilitates this ... Read More

How to write to an HTML file in Python?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:47:04

6K+ Views

HTML is a markup language that is used for creating web page structure and content in any web-related projects. Python provides various libraries and methods for writing to an HTML file. Python can be used to write to an HTML file using the open() function and write() method. In this ... Read More

How to write Pandas DataFrame as TSV using Python?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:38:56

3K+ Views

Pandas dataframe can be written as a tab separated Value (TSV) using the to_csv() method of Pandas library. Pandas is a powerful data manipulation and analysis library in Python. It provides various functionalities to work with structured data, including reading and writing data in different formats. One common format for ... Read More

How to write Comments in Python3?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:33:06


In the world of programming, writing clean and understandable code is essential for collaboration, maintenance, and overall software quality. One crucial aspect of achieving code clarity is the appropriate use of comments. Comments provide a means to annotate and explain the code's functionality, making it easier for developers to understand, ... Read More

How to write a simple Flask API for hello world?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:30:17


Flask is a lightweight web framework written in Python that allows developers to quickly build web applications and APIs. It provides a simple and elegant way to create RESTful APIs with minimal code. In this article, we will walk through the process of creating a simple Flask API that returns ... Read More

How to widen output display to see more columns in Pandas dataframe?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:28:37


When we work with large datasets in Pandas we often view and analyze data in a tabular format. When dealing with wide data frames containing numerous columns, the default display settings may truncate or hide some columns, making it difficult to fully explore and understand the data. To overcome this ... Read More

How To Visualize Sparse Matrix in Python using Matplotlib?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:26:50


Sparse matrices are a specialized type of matrix that contain mostly zero values. These matrices are commonly encountered in applications such as graph theory, machine learning, and network analysis. Visualizing sparse matrices can provide valuable insights into the distribution and patterns of non-zero values. In this article, we will understand ... Read More

How to verify Pyspark dataframe column type?

Rohan Singh

Rohan Singh

Updated on 16-Oct-2023 11:22:02


PySpark, the Python API for Apache Spark, provides a powerful and scalable big data processing and analytics framework. When working with PySpark DataFrames, it's essential to understand and verify the data types of each column. Accurate column-type verification ensures data integrity and enables you to perform operations and transformations accurately. ... Read More

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