Riya Kumari has Published 74 Articles

Why does CSS work with fake elements?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:35:36


As a frontend developer, you should be familiar with CSS pseudo-elements, including their functions and various presentational and structural applications. The fundamental CSS selectors and their numerous attributes are enjoyable to use, but understanding pseudoclasses and pseudo-elements is the next step toward being a CSS expert. Except CSS pseudo ... Read More

How can I vertically align an image in a section that extends across the entire web page?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:29:48


Alignment is the key to determining where to place your elements, such as text and images, buttons, and content boxes. A key component of responsive design is the arrangement of items on your website. This is because the layout and structure of the website will adjust to what you have ... Read More

How to prevent text from occupying more than one line in CSS?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:16:31


The material on a web page is structured in the many forms that we have already learnt, such as layers, paragraphs, lines, tables, and divisions. The appropriate positioning of all HTML tags and their content on a web page is referred to as text organization. A web browser, by default, ... Read More

How to create Text Split effect using CSS?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:11:41

2K+ Views

Web design that is both beautiful and engaging has never been more valuable. There are numerous websites that may appear visually appealing. They are still not making a favourable impact on the audience. When a visitor arrives at your website, the first thing they notice is the appearance of your ... Read More

Several distinct caches for a single URL in HTML Cache?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 08:11:22


Content caching is an effective way for fast and smooth user experience. Every URL in a web page can be linked to a single cache manifest section. However, there are certain large and rarely used files which decreases the overall speed of the Cache. Since they do not need to ... Read More

Is there a way to resize image with “nearest neighbour” resampling in HTML5?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 08:08:26

1K+ Views

Resizing an image is one of the cumbersome tasks since it affects the performance of your website. In case of online photos, size is of great importance. Generally, users prefer small size images since it takes less time to load even with moderate internet connections. If the image is too ... Read More

HTML5 input type range for vertical orientation possible in Firefox?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 07:36:11


In a thermometer, as the temperature increases, the mercury in it rises up too. Vice versa is the case for lowering the temperature. Similarly, if you want to create such effect on a webpage, it is done by the range type of input element in HTML5. This is known as ... Read More

HTML5 date field and placeholder text in Safari

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 07:33:17

6K+ Views

If you want to add a date picker which includes the year, month and day, in your webpage, then HTML5 facilitates a “date” field for you. It is a type in element. It works well in various web browsers like Google chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Here we are ... Read More

HTML5 Canvas fit to window

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 12-Oct-2022 14:29:12

9K+ Views

When you view a webpage containing canvas in different screens like that of mobile, pc, desktop or tablet, the size of the screen changes each time. So, it is necessary that the canvas resizes itself according to the screen for better user experience. In this article, we will learn how ... Read More

How to handle errors in HTML5 Web Workers?

Riya Kumari

Riya Kumari

Updated on 12-Oct-2022 14:11:36

1K+ Views

Suppose you want the browser to do complex calculations on web page on clicking a word. This will take time. So, the web page will become unresponsive until the operation is completed. You need something which will do the required operation silently without affecting the user interface. So, how to ... Read More
