Priya More has Published 71 Articles

Which Are the Top Upcoming Technology Trends and Their Impact on Learning & Development?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:57:25


Learners nowadays have easier access to endless quantities of information and are subject to more distractions than ever before. How is learning and development (L&D) supposed to compete with social media, mobile apps, and the internet as a whole? Instead of competing, the goal is to adapt to new technological ... Read More

What Subjects Can Professional Development Training Cover?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:55:54


Almost any topic connected to the workplace can be included in professional development. There are many training topics that anyone can benefit from, even though many training programs are industry-specific and related to carrying out technical tasks in a particular area. You may concentrate on enhancing your skills, fostering teamwork, ... Read More

What is the ROI of Staff Augmentation in Learning and Development?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:55:03


When you are completely consumed by your profession every day, it starts to feel almost as natural as breathing. You can start to believe that everyone else understands your work just as well as you do. To your astonishment, you occasionally wake up and learn this isn't the case. In ... Read More

What is the Approach to Creating a Culture of Innovation?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:54:02


The realization that organizational culture has a significant role in establishing particular behaviors and attitudes within a company is a part of the concept of innovation. It consists of routine tasks that stand in for the ideals the business instils in its workers. In other words, innovation culture refers to ... Read More

What is Professional Development?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:51:37


Remember that no one is an expert in their own sales presentation from birth as you advance in your job. Every successful person has invested a significant amount of time perfecting their abilities and learning new ones. They have also profited immensely from opportunities for professional development during the course ... Read More

What Are the Things to Consider When Managing a Virtual Team?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:49:38


Many professionals are now able to work from home as more businesses continue to incorporate digital technology into their offices. Although working from home has numerous advantages, managers frequently gain from developing successful rules and procedures to enhance online productivity. You can assist your remote team members to work more ... Read More

What are the instructional Design Trends and Learning Trends?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:48:34


Learning at work may now be considered an ecosystem, which represents one of the most significant changes in L&D understanding in recent years. It's a complicated, interconnected system of both formal and informal education, not just a random assortment of classes, workshops, and webinars. Learning is a process, not a ... Read More

What Are the Best Algorithm Tips for Digital Marketing?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 05-Apr-2023 17:43:27


A collection of systematic steps to be taken in a computation that offers a solution to a problem might be referred to as an algorithm, according to the dictionary. For instance, the formula becomes your algorithm if you wish to bake a cake. marketing's effectiveness You can achieve your objectives ... Read More

What are the Benefits of Email Marketing?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 05-Apr-2023 17:42:14


You as a marketer may have heard that email marketing is no longer effective. For many marketing departments, this is a common worry. In fact, 73% of millennials expect businesses to interact via email, and 40% of B2B marketers claim the email content in their newsletters is most crucial ... Read More

What Are the Benefits of a Digital Marketing Agency?

Priya More

Priya More

Updated on 05-Apr-2023 17:41:17


In a society full of billboards and sky signs, digital marketing firms provide a fresh take on mass marketing. The world is going digital more and more, and digital marketing has significantly increased corporate growth. Why not engage a digital marketing agency if you're struggling to get customers or are ... Read More
