Prince Yadav has Published 226 Articles

Close Specific Web Pages Using Selenium in Python

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 18:34:56


Python, with its simplicity and versatility, has gained immense popularity among developers worldwide. Its extensive range of libraries and frameworks allows programmers to accomplish a wide array of tasks, including web automation. When it comes to automating web browsers, Selenium, a powerful tool in the Python ecosystem, takes center stage. ... Read More

Circular Visualization of Dataset using hishiryo Python

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:52:12


Visualizing data is a crucial part of data analysis, as it can help to uncover insights and reveal patterns in complex datasets. Circular visualizations are a unique approach to visualizing data, which can be particularly useful in identifying relationships and patterns that are not immediately apparent using traditional graphing techniques. ... Read More

Clean Web Scraping Data Using clean-text in Python

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:46:34

1K+ Views

Web scraping has evolved as an effective method for obtaining information from websites. It allows individuals and organizations to collect information for a variety of objectives, including market research, sentiment analysis, and data−driven decision−making. However, online scraping frequently produces unstructured and jumbled data that must be cleaned and preprocessed before ... Read More

Classification of text documents using sparse features in Python Scikit Learn

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:44:38


In today's digital age, efficiently categorizing text documents has become crucial. One approach to this is using sparse features in Python's Scikit−Learn library. Sparse features involve representing each document as a high−dimensional vector, with each dimension corresponding to a unique word in the corpus. In this article, we'll explore the ... Read More

Class Factories: A powerful pattern in Python

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:41:52


Python is a highly flexible programming language that allows for various programming patterns. One of these patterns is the class factory pattern, which is a powerful way to create classes dynamically at runtime. In this article, we'll explore the class factory pattern in Python and its benefits, and provide some ... Read More

Circular (Oval like) Button Using Canvas in Kivy

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:29:46


Kivy is a free and open−source Python framework that allows developers to create cross−platform applications. It comes with a plethora of pre−built widgets such as buttons, labels, text inputs, and many more. However, there may be situations where these pre−built widgets do not fit the project's requirements, and we may ... Read More

Chatbots Using Python and Rasa

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:27:39


Chatbots have been recognized as a preferred communication tool for businesses to interact with their customers, offering a more efficient and convenient interaction method. Python, a programming language that makes it easy because of the development resources, has become a top choice for building all kinds of chatbots. On the ... Read More

Chatbot in Python with ChatterBot Module

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:24:18


Nowadays, chatbots have become an omnipresent feature in various industries as they are being utilized to enhance customer service and engagement. Python, which is a versatile and easy−to−use programming language, has emerged as a favored option for constructing chatbots. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of how ... Read More

Changing the colour of Tkinter Menu Bar

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 13:46:59

2K+ Views

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has gained immense popularity for its ease of use and extensive libraries. One such library is Tkinter, which provides a simple and intuitive way to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. Tkinter offers a range of built−in widgets and features, allowing developers ... Read More

Celery Integration With Django

Prince Yadav

Prince Yadav

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 13:30:17


In web development, it's crucial to create applications that respond quickly to user actions. However, certain tasks like sending emails or processing large data can slow down an application. That's where Celery integration with Django comes into play. Celery is a powerful tool that accelerates Django applications by handling time−consuming ... Read More
