Praveen Varghese Thomas has Published 2094 Articles

The “Lost wax” Technique

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 15:06:31


Introduction Since ancient times India has been a metallurgical giant. During the age of the Indus Valley Civilization(IVC) while the majority of the world was busy hunting and gathering food we had made significant progress in making bronze objects. The availability of abundant metallic resources was of great help to ... Read More

Taxes on Markets, Traders Big and Small

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 14:51:59


Introduction In the early medieval age, new kingdoms were formed. With the new kingdom, many big and small towns were established. Most of the towns were near the sea or river, so the traders could easily come and sell their products. Initially, the kings imposed taxes on the land and ... Read More

Sultan Muhammad Tughluq

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 14:41:32


Introduction Sultan Mohammad bin Tughluq was the son of Ghiyassudin Tughluq, who founded the Tughluq dynasty in 1320. Ghiyasuddin became the ruler of the Delhi sultanate in 1320. The Tughluq dynasty adopted the forward policy and tried to expand their kingdom. The reign of Ghiyassudin was not long and Mohammad ... Read More

Relation Between Viscosity and Density

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 13:06:51

5K+ Views

Introduction Viscosity is used for the measurement of the thinness and thickness of the fluid. On the other hand, density measures the space between two particles of a fluid. Generally, with the increase in temperature, the particles of the fluid fall apart. Thereby, resulting in a decrease in fluid density. ... Read More

Relation between Torque and Speed

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 12:58:08

1K+ Views

Introduction There relation of torque with the speed of an object is an important part of physics as it is integrally connected to the motion and rotating capability. The relation between these two components is integrally and very much connected to the power of the object. The value of torque ... Read More

Relation Between torque and Power

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 21-Dec-2022 12:48:22

3K+ Views

Introduction Torque refers to an equivalent to the rotational properties in the linear force of the machinery body. Power denotes the work done in a particular duration of time. The inner relation between power and torque in terms of machinery aspects is directly proportional. The power of the machinery particles ... Read More

Nizam's Army

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 19-Dec-2022 18:12:06


Introduction When the Mughal empire started weakening, some provinces turned into independent kingdoms. These autonomous states came to be called successor states. These successor states included Hyderabad, Awadh, and Bengal. The state of Hyderabad was founded by Asaf-Jah, who is popularly known as Nizam-ul- Mulk. So he was the first ... Read More

Mughal Relations with Other Rulers

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 19-Dec-2022 18:06:39


Introduction The Mughals from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century expanded their empire in the Indian subcontinent mainly through military expeditions but along with this, they consolidated their position by maintaining diplomatic relations with other kingdoms. They used to target those kingdoms, that were not ready to accept their suzerainty. ... Read More

Mughal Military Campaigns

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 19-Dec-2022 18:03:56

1K+ Views

Introduction The Mughal empire came into existence with Babur in 1526 after he won the First battle of Panipat with Ibrahim Lodi. Babur had to lead several military campaigns to consolidate the empire. His campaigns included the Battle of Khanwa in 1527, the battle of Chanderi in 1528 and the ... Read More

Mughal Emperors, Mughal Traditions of Succession

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:59:37

1K+ Views

Introduction The first Mughal emperor who came to India was Babur. Babur established the Mughal Dynasty which ruled India from 16th to 18th century. Mughals were one of the longestruling dynasties of India. They ruled most of the Indian subcontinent except for some areas in south India. Mughals were one ... Read More
