Praveen Varghese Thomas has Published 2094 Articles

Arab and Turkish Invasions

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:53:17

3K+ Views

Arab and Turkish invasions were one of the major successes while invading India. Therefore, they were able to invade the country due to a lack of military troops and unity in India. Due to the faith and lack of agreement in the country, the people of India faced discrimination and ... Read More

Kinetic Theory of Gases Derivation

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:52:17

2K+ Views

Introduction This gaseous theory describes the behavior of the gases contained in some vessels. The particles which are molecules or gases are always in random motion as they continuously move and collide with each other and collide with the container also. Also, there is some pressure and temperature within the ... Read More

Akbar Successors

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:52:05

2K+ Views

Jahangir or Salim the son of Akbar was the successor of the Mughal Dynasty after his father. Akbar was one of the greatest Mughal emperors of India who extended the Mughal power to almost all of India and its subcontinent. Shah Jahan, Aurangazeb were the successors of Mughal power after ... Read More

Kinetic Theory of Gases Assumptions

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:29:42


Introduction In our daily life, we commonly observe the motion of the air molecules when a light ray enters the dark through a small hole. the motion of air molecules is studied by the kinetic theory. With the help of the kinetic theory of various properties of the gas can ... Read More

Kinetic Energy and Work Done

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 14:57:27


Introduction Kinetic energy is the energy related to motion. For an object which is stationary, there is no kinetic energy. In this article, we are not talking about any energy change. For example, water is converted to heat energy and thus steam when heated. We can find many such energy ... Read More

Akbar (1556-1605)

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 14:32:45


Akbar was the most powerful and popular Mughal empire in the Indian Kingdom. He revoked the Jizya and Pilgrim taxes to make the common people’s life easier. He was closely associated with various knowledgeable Hindu Pandits to learn from them and also appointed them to various important Government positions. He ... Read More

Administration under the Delhi Sultanate

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 14:27:48


The Sultanate of Delhi began with the Slave dynasty and was founded by Qutub-ud-din Aibak. He was the slave of Mohammad Ghori and this dynasty was also familiar as the Mamluk dynasty. There were also four more dynasties that came after this dynasty that was; the Khilji dynasty, Tughlaq dynasty, ... Read More

Energy Resources and Their Environmental Impacts

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 12:07:13


Introduction With rapid development and modernization, the need for abundant low-cost energy is growing tremendously. To fulfil these energy requirements, humans exploit energy resources in various ways. Although the various techniques and procedures followed in this process impact the environment positively, the negative impacts are much more harmful and of ... Read More

Lava Lamp

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 11:35:50


Introduction Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Based on the force of attraction between the molecules, matter is classified into five categories. They are solid, liquid, ... Read More

Latent Heat of Water

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Jan-2023 11:22:45


Introduction A body of matter which is confined in a particular space by the boundaries is called a thermodynamic system. They have definite permeability. According to their boundaries they may be classified as closed systems, open systems, and isolated systems. In an isolated system, there is no transformation of energy ... Read More
