Praveen Varghese Thomas has Published 2094 Articles

Ancient Celtic Sculpture

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:03:28


Introduction Ancient Celtic sculpture is a fascinating subject that has intrigued scholars, art historians, and art lovers for centuries. The Celts were a diverse group of people who lived in Europe from the late Bronze Age until the Roman conquest of Gaul in the first century BC. They were renowned ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:01:00


Introduction Atlantis is a mythical island mentioned in Plato’s famous work, "Timaeus and Critias." It is a 2, 400-year-old fascination. Plato described it as a powerful nation that perished in the middle of the night. Location of Plato’s Atlantis It is a larger landscape located beyond the Pillars of Hercules, ... Read More

Ancient Egyptian Warfare

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:59:12


Introduction The ancient Egyptians are famous for their monumental architecture, advanced writing system, and intricate religious beliefs. However, they were also skilled warriors who engaged in frequent conflicts with neighbouring powers. Ancient Egyptian warfare was a complex and multifaceted affair that evolved over time as the Egyptians developed new weapons, ... Read More

Augustine of Hippo

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:42:19


Introduction Theologian and philosopher Saint Augustine, often known as Augustine of Hippo, was of Berber heritage and served as the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. Because of the influence his writings had on the growth of Western philosophy and Christianity during the Patristic Period, he is ... Read More

Assyrian Warfare

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:29:12


Introduction The Assyrian empire, also called, ‘the first military power in history’, had been well known for its fearsome soldiers and creative general. Before the conquests of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire, Assyria is considered to become the greatest empire in the ancient world from being a small ... Read More

Augusta Raurica

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:25:42


Introduction Around 44–43 BCE, Lucius Munatius Plancus (90–15 BCE) founded Augusta Raurica, which swiftly developed into a metropolis and, by the time of its brief heyday in 200 CE, had between 10, 000–20, 000 residents. The majority of Augusta Raurica's people left the city despite its rapid growth in ... Read More

Azuchi-Momoyama Period

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:35:12


Introduction The Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1568-1600) was a period of political and cultural transformation in Japan. It was marked by the rise of powerful feudal lords, the unification of Japan, and the emergence of a new cultural era. This period saw the rise of three powerful leaders who played pivotal roles ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:26:03


Introduction The aulos is a wind instrument that was utilized in ancient Greek opera. It was also identified by the designations of the materials needed to create its components, a reed as well as a Libyan lotus plant, accordingly, the kalamos and libykos lotos. All festivities hosted in order to ... Read More

August Decrees

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:21:17


Introduction The National Assembly passed the August Decrees on August 4, 1789, ending the feudal system that had existed since the Middle Ages. The abolition of feudalism in France was a watershed moment in French history, ushering in the modern age. The French monarchy ended with this event, and ... Read More

Natives in America

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:10:33


Introduction The natives in America have had a long history of subjugation and discrimination. But one must also refer to their society, culture, resistance movements, and participation in political and social aspects. At first contact with the European immigrants, the native seemed too different from the post-industrial world. The differences ... Read More
