Praveen Varghese Thomas has Published 2094 Articles


Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 10:09:23


Introduction to Guttation Guttation is the term given to the exudation of the xylem sap in the form of liquid droplets. These droplets are present on the tips and edges of the leaves of tropical plants. Guttation often occurs in moist soils during damp, humid nights, when water absorption is ... Read More

Growth and Development of an organism

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 10:07:29


Introduction One of the fundamental characteristics of living organisms is their ability to grow, i.e., to increase in size and/or cell number. Even monerans and protists undergo growth by multiplication. In higher organisms including plants and animals, growth is accompanied by development, which usually entails the evolution of certain special ... Read More

Griffith Experiment: The Genetic Material

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 10:06:11


Introduction to Genetic Material Mendel’s experiments with garden peas were a setting stone in genetics. He knew that some “factor” was responsible for the characteristics observed in organisms, which were passed down from each parent to the offspring. At that time, he wasn’t aware of what this factor was. ... Read More

Elastic Behavior of Solids

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:52:17


Introduction Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Based on the force of attraction between the molecules, matter are classified into five categories. They are solid, liquid, gas, ... Read More

Studying the Behaviour of Permanent Magnets

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:47:13


Introduction The magnet is generally referred to as such materials that have their component atoms in a particular order that helps the materials to generate a magnetic field around the material. These kinds of materials that exhibit properties of magnetism is usually known as the materials that are responsible for ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:44:20


Introduction In the past, gum benzene, also known as "Benjamin, " was the source of the word benzene. An aromatic resin was thought to be gum benzoin. English scientist Michael Faraday made the initial discovery of benzene in lighting gas. German chemist Mitscherich gave benzene its name in 1833. German ... Read More

Base Meaning

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:41:42


Introduction There are different definitions for the base. But the one definition that is common in all three definitions is bases react with acid to form a neutral compound or salts and water. And is given by G.-F. Rouelle. It is the ion that is present in this compound that ... Read More

What is the full form of DCD?

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 18-May-2023 11:45:48


Introduction Downstream Channel Descriptor (DCD) is a word used in the telecommunications and networking industries. DCD is a crucial factor in a cable modem network that influences the properties of the downstream channels. The Downstream Channel Descriptor gives details about the downstream channel's maximum and lowest frequencies, as well as ... Read More

What is the full form of DCE?

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 18-May-2023 11:30:05


Introduction Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) refers to a software technology that delivers a framework for designing and executing dispersed applications in networked computing environments. During the 1980s and 1990s, the Distributed Computing Environment was developed by DCE by the Open Software Foundation (OSF) as a collection of standards and ... Read More

What is the full form of DCF?

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 18-May-2023 11:19:10


Introduction to DCF In fibre optic communication systems, dispersion compensating fibre (DCF) is an optical fibre used to lessen the phenomena that result in signal distortion and spreading over long distances. By using a fibre with a dispersion opposite to that of the transmission fibre, DCF is intended to ... Read More
