Pranay Arora has Published 47 Articles

Java Program to Encode a Message Using Playfair Cipher

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 11:31:25

2K+ Views

Encrypting is the task of transforming information into an unreadable format or cipher text. It is usually done to protect the confidentiality of information. There are many ways and algorithms to encrypt data. One such example is the Playfair cipher algorithm. In this article, we are going to see how ... Read More

Java Program to Empty an ArrayList in Java

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 11:25:18


ArrayLists in Java are a dynamic array who’s size can grow or shrink as elements are added or deleted from it. It is a part of the “java.util” package and is a very commonly used collection. An ArrayList is pretty much like an array as it stores elements of the ... Read More

Java Program to Display Numbers and Sum of First N Natural Numbers

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 11:22:28


Natural numbers are all positive integers or whole numbers that range between 1 to infinity. In this article, we are going to see how to display numbers as well as the sum of the first N natural numbers in java where n is defined by the user. Mathematically speaking, the ... Read More

Java Program to Display Floyd's Triangle

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 11:20:42


Floyd's triangle is a popular right-angled triangular array consisting of natural numbers. The name comes from its founder Robert W. Floyd who was a prominent computer scientist. It is formed by starting with the number 1 at the top of the triangle, and then incrementing each subsequent number by 1 ... Read More

Java Program to Demonstrate the Call By Value

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 11:16:53


In programming, functions often require parameters to be passed to them in order to be called or invoked. There are 2 ways to call functions, the 1st being call by Reference and the 2nd being call by value. In this article, we are going to demonstrate call by value in ... Read More

Insert a character after every n characters in JavaScript

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 09-Mar-2023 16:38:08

3K+ Views

Insertion of a specific character after every n characters in Javascript is an easy to understand concept and gives us a better understanding about Javascript's functions. Here n can be any whole number ranging from 1 to less than the length of the string. In this article we will deal ... Read More

Increment a given date in JavaScript

Pranay Arora

Pranay Arora

Updated on 09-Mar-2023 16:31:13

2K+ Views

In this article, we are going to discuss how to increment a given date using JavaScript. First, we will analyse and understand what is meant by this. Given a certain date x = “05-02-2023”, we want to add y = 7 days to this date and print the resulting date ... Read More
