Pranav Bhardwaj has Published 430 Articles

What are the Common Honeypot Traps in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:19:10


What is a Honeypot?A honeypot is a spoof computer system used to catch hackers or track new or unusual hacking techniques. Honeypots are meant to engage and deceive hackers into detecting malicious Internet activity intentionally. A honeynet can be formed by connecting multiple honeypots on a network.Honeypots have numerous advantages. ... Read More

What is a Brute Force Attack? (Definition, Types, and How to Spot One)

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:17:03


What is a Brute Force Attack?A brute force attack is a method of cracking passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys that relies on trial and error. It's a simple but effective method for getting illegal access to individual accounts as well as systems and networks of businesses. Until they uncover ... Read More

Top Ways to Keep Your Data Private

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:14:09


Today, we spend most of our time online, and people have no issues storing their data in it and consider it safe just because it is password protected. Personal data is much more valuable than you think, so businesses constantly look for new ways to obtain it. It's often impossible ... Read More

Top In-built Security Features in Windows 11

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:12:36


Over the past, Microsoft has been providing users with one of the best-operating systems with Windows. Windows 11 is the latest version of their series, and it is one the best ones so far, especially when it comes to security. Although there were many controversies behind the minimum requirement aspects, ... Read More

How can you protect yourself against Web threats?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:10:19


When it comes to protecting you from possible threats like spyware, ransomware, and malware when using the Internet, your Internet security package can only go so far. Because there are some risks that no Internet security package can defend you against, you'll have to perform some of the jobs yourself.Attackers ... Read More

Top In-Built Security Features in Windows 10

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:05:49


Windows operating systems are one of the most popular ones used worldwide, and Windows 10 is one of my personal favorites. Microsoft has upped their game developing Windows 10, and it's all about the security here.The realities of risk come home to roost as network attacks proliferate and operating systems ... Read More

Tips for Smart and Safe Mobile Banking

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 08:01:34


Since the Internet is now widely available, its popularity in conducting financial transactions is undeniable. Because of its widespread use, the internet banking system is constantly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.You must secure your online accounts as the Internet's rogue residents devise new ways to steal crucial information and access your money. ... Read More

The Dos and Don'ts of Using Public Wi-Fi

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 07:57:47


Finding free public Wi-Fi is the digital age treasure. We link to the network as quickly as possible, knowing that we've discovered a technological gold mine. Unfortunately, although saving our hard-earned cellular data and allowing us to work outside the office, public Wi-Fi poses a number of threats to all ... Read More

What precautions must be taken while shopping online?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 07:54:42


We now live in a completely virtual metaverse where we pretty much spend most of our time, be it scrolling through your social media feed to getting your dinner delivered to your doorstep; we are all entirely dependent on technology.During the festival season, most of us shop online and purchase ... Read More

How to Strengthen Your Credentials against Brute Force Attack?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 30-May-2022 07:52:07


Before getting into the topic, let's first understand the concept of brute force. A brute force attack involves guessing login information encryption keys or locating a hidden web page by trial and error. The premise behind such an attack is that you will ultimately be correct if you repeatedly guess ... Read More
