Pradeep Elance has Published 445 Articles

ASCII art using Python pyfiglet module

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:51:29

2K+ Views

The ASCII text can be used to display many stylish texts by using the module pyfiglet. After installing this module we can use it to control the font that can be used to display the result. In the below program we see various results by choosing various font types.Example# import ... Read More

Adding K to each element in a Python list of integers

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:31:07


In data analysis, sometimes it becomes necessary to add some value to each element in a python list to judge about the outcome of a new scenario. This helps in testing the multiple scenarios on how the data set will behave with different values hence make a model or algorithms ... Read More

Add one Python string to another

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:28:35


By adding strings in python we just concatenate them to get a new string. This is useful in many scenarios like text analytics etc. Below are the two approaches we consider for this task.Using += OperatorThe + operator can be used for strings in a similar was as it is ... Read More

Add list elements with a multi-list based on index in Python

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:24:15


Lists can be nested. Which means we have smaller lists as elements inside a bigger list. In this article we solve the challenge of adding the elements of a simple list to the elements of a nested list. If the length of the lists are different then the length of ... Read More

Add leading Zeros to Python string

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:22:50


We may sometimes need to append zeros as string to various data elements in python. There may the reason for formatting and nice representation or there may be the reason for some calculations where these values will act as input. Below are the methods which we will use for this ... Read More

Add leading Zeros to Python Program string

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 10:29:31


We may sometimes need to append zeros as string to various data elements in python. There may the reason for formatting and nice representation or there may be the reason for some calculations where these values will act as input. Below are the methods which we will use for this ... Read More

Add image on a Python Tkinter button

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 10:23:22

1K+ Views

Tkinter, which is the GUI library for python programming has a feature to add images to the GUI buttons. This is useful for users to remember the symbols in the GUI rather than the text in the GUI. In the below Tkinter program we show how we can add an ... Read More

Working with csv files in Python Programming

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:51:42

1K+ Views

The CSV file or comma separated values file are one of the most widely used flat files to store and hare data across platforms. The columns are separated by comma and there is optional header row also which will indicate the name of each column. Python can read the CSV ... Read More

URL handling Python modules (urllib)

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:42:20

1K+ Views

Python language is used extensively for web programming. When we browser website we use the web address which is also known as URL or uniform resource locator. Python has inbuilt materials which can handle the calls to the URL as well as pass the result that comes out of visiting ... Read More

Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python Programming.

Pradeep Elance

Pradeep Elance

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:38:20


Sentiment Analysis is the process of estimating the sentiment of people who give feedback to certain event either through written text or through oral communication. Of course the oral communication also has to be converted to written text so that it can be analysed through python program. The sentiment expressed ... Read More
