Payal Mittal has Published 17 Articles

A Guide To Server-Side Rendering In React

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 26-Oct-2023 03:36:11

19K+ Views

Server−side rendering has been around for a while now. It was first introduced in the early 2000s and has been used by many websites since then. The idea behind this technique is to pre−render HTML pages on a server and send them back to the client's browser as they request ... Read More

What you need to know about React Server Component?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:56:59


Developers frequently have to choose between performance and SEO while creating conventional client-side-only React apps. Server components give developers the ability to utilize the server infrastructure more effectively and, thus, by default, attain excellent performance. By combining the most beneficial aspects of client-side interaction and server-side rendering, React Server ... Read More

What is REST API in React.js?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:54:54

11K+ Views

React.js is not just about client-side rendering. It also offers REST APIs for server-side rendering and use cases like web crawlers, offline data storage, etc. REST is a type of API that provides a way for web and mobile applications to communicate with each other. It is an out-of-the-box service ... Read More

What’s new in React Query 3?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:49:31


React Query 3 is a new library by the React team. It's a query language that helps developers to declaratively specify the data requirements of their React application. It’s the third iteration of React Query, which was originally developed by Facebook. It’s now maintained by the community and its contributors. ... Read More

What is Metro in React-Native?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:47:34

2K+ Views

Whenever anyone tries to run the react native platform, an extensive compilation of JavaScript files gets arranged together in a single file. This compilation is done through a bundler called metro. Metro is a well-accepted Java script bundler with many options, including an entry file that provides you with ... Read More

What is Hookrouter?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:45:21


Routing is not a feature that comes standard with React.js and hookrouter is the modern approach that simplifies navigation features within react components. React hooks provide the foundation of the hook-router module. It is feature-rich and simple enough for fresher developers to get started. In this section, we ... Read More

What are Promises in React.js?

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:41:25

22K+ Views

In React, there are various ways to work with asynchronous data, but using Promises is one of the most popular ones. A Promise is an object that represents an asynchronous operation. It stands for a value that will be resolved in the future, in other words. In this post, we'll ... Read More

Introduction to Remotion - Create Animation and Videos with React.js

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:37:50


In many ways, people utilize videos to enhance their digital encounters, yet what if someone informed you that you may now make videos on the internet? This article covers Remotion, a library collection that lays the groundwork for automatic program-producing films with React. Remotion is a freshly released package ... Read More

Difference between React.js and Angular.js

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:35:06


There are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to front-end development frameworks. Two of the most popular options that stand out are React and Angular. Both frameworks have a lot to offer, but there are some key differences that could make one or the other a ... Read More

Comparison between different React Native UI libraries

Payal Mittal

Payal Mittal

Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:32:25

1K+ Views

Facebook developed React Native to build natively compiled cross-platform apps. It is most popular among mobile app developers who want to create applications that can be used on Android and iOS devices. React Native started to emerge as it gained a growing community's trust, including premade UI components and React ... Read More
