Pawandeep has Published 42 Articles

How to Convert Text to Speech in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:35:03


Converting Text to Speech basically refers to a program where you give input as a text and the output you receive is the input text in the form of a speech.Python offers the text to speech conversion with the help of APIs. One such API which serves this purpose is ... Read More

What is an object in Python? Explain with examples



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:34:41

3K+ Views

A python is an object-oriented programming language. Almost everything in Python is considered as an object. An object has its own properties(attributes) and behavior(methods).A class is a blueprint of the objects or can be termed as object constructor for creating objects.One class can have many objects and value of properties ... Read More

Explain Merge Sort in Python



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:34:13


Merge sort is a sorting technique. It is an efficient sorting algorithm with a time complexity of (n logn) where n is the length of the array to be sorted.Merge sort is an algorithm that follows the Divide and Conquers paradigm. It continuously divides the array into two equal halves. ... Read More

Explain Python Matrix with examples



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:28:16

3K+ Views

A matrix in Python is a two-dimensional array having a specific number of rows and columns. The data elements in Python matrix can be numbers, strings or symbols etc.Matrix or two-dimensional list is an important data structure. Various operations associated with matrix involve transpose, addition or multiplication of two matrices.We ... Read More

How to remove an element from a list in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:27:14


A list in Python is a linear data structure where elements are stored in contiguous memory locations and elements are accessed by their indexes.We may sometimes need to remove an element from a list in Python. There are various inbuilt functions to achieve this.pop()This deletes or removes the element at ... Read More

What is Queue in Python? Explain with examples



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:26:04


A queue is a linear data structure that works on the First In First Out mechanism(FIFO).The element which enters first in the queue is the first to be processed.ExampleThe queue data structure can be understood with the help of a queue at a bus stand. The person who reaches first ... Read More

How to sort a dictionary in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:21:11

5K+ Views

A dictionary is a data structure that consists of key and value pairs. We can sort a dictionary using two criteria −Sort by key − The dictionary is sorted in ascending order of its keys. The values are not taken care of.Sort by value − The dictionary is sorted in ... Read More

What is Bubble Sort in Python? Explain with an example?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:14:09

2K+ Views

Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm to sort a list into ascending (or descending) order. This is the easiest sorting algorithm but it is not very efficient. It can be used on small input sizes but not time efficient for lists or arrays with larger length. Its time complexity is ... Read More

Explain Binary Search in Python



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:11:49

4K+ Views

Binary search is a searching algorithm which is used to search an element from a sorted array. It cannot be used to search from an unsorted array. Binary search is an efficient algorithm and is better than linear search in terms of time complexity.The time complexity of linear search is ... Read More

How to read CSV file in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:10:51

3K+ Views

A CSV file stands for Comma Separated Values file. It is a plain text file in which data values are separated by commas and hence represent a tabular data in the form of plain text with the help of commas. A CSV file has .csv extension.Here’s how a CSV files ... Read More
