Pawandeep has Published 42 Articles

How to print in same line in Python?



Updated on 22-Aug-2023 02:09:21

107K+ Views

The print() method in Python automatically prints in the next line each time. The print() method by default takes the pointer to the next line.Example Live Demofor i in range(5):    print(i)Output0 1 2 3 4Modify print() method to print on the same lineThe print method takes an extra parameter end=" ... Read More

How to develop a game in Python?



Updated on 25-Feb-2022 08:06:02


We can develop games in Python using PyGame. PyGame is a Python module that is used to develop games. This module includes computer graphics and sound libraries used in video game development.Install PyGameTo develop game in Python, we need PyGame. Therefore, we need to install PyGame.We should Python and pip ... Read More

What is Heap Sort in Python?



Updated on 11-Jun-2021 12:52:39


Heap Sort is the sorting technique based on binary heap data structure. In order to proceed with heap sort, you need to be familiar with binary tree and binary heap.What is a Complete binary tree?A complete binary tree is a tree data structure where all the levels except the last ... Read More

Which is the fastest implementation of Python



Updated on 11-Jun-2021 12:51:50


Python has many active implementations. We will be addressing its different implementations and know which is the fastest implementation.Different implementations of Python −IronPython − This is the Python implementation which runs on .NET framework. This implementation is written in C#. It uses .net virtual machine for running. IronPython can use the ... Read More

What is Python Unit Testing?



Updated on 11-Jun-2021 12:51:30


What is unit testing?Unit testing is a type of software testing where each individual component of the system is tested. Unit testing is important practice for the developers. It ensures that every component of the software is functioning appropriately as expected. Unit testing is mainly performed by the developers during ... Read More

What is Insertion sort in Python?



Updated on 11-Jun-2021 12:50:08

5K+ Views

Insertion sort is the simple method of sorting an array. In this technique, the array is virtually split into the sorted and unsorted part. An element from unsorted part is picked and is placed at correct position in the sorted part.The array elements are traversed from 1 to n.If the ... Read More

How to connect Database in Python?



Updated on 11-Jun-2021 12:49:17

3K+ Views

Most of the applications need to be integrated or connected with a database for performing certain relevant operations. The majority of projects require database connectivity to store certain data about the users. MySQL Database can be integrated with the Python applications.To connect MySQL database, we need to have it installed ... Read More

Palindrome in Python: How to check a number is palindrome?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 12:25:51


What is a palindrome?A palindrome is a string that is the same when read from left to right or from right to left. In other words, a palindrome string is the one whose reverse is equal to the original string.For example, civic, madam are palindromes.Cat is not a palindrome. Since ... Read More

How do I create an automatically updating GUI using Tkinter in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:48:42

14K+ Views

GUI window has many controls such as labels, buttons, text boxes, etc. We may sometimes want the content of our controls such as labels to update automatically while we are viewing the window.We can use after() to run a function after a certain time. For example, 1000 milliseconds mean 1 ... Read More

How to convert list to dictionary in Python?



Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:46:37

1K+ Views

The list is a linear data structure containing data elements.Example1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Dictionary is a data structure consisting of key: value pairs. Keys are unique and each key has some value associated with it.Example1:2, 3:4, 5:6Given a list, convert this list into the dictionary, such that the odd ... Read More
