Om Sharma has Published 92 Articles

Which is the best saving plan for women?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:19:00


As women empowerment progresses rapidly across the country bringing in a large number of women into the workforce, financial services providers like insurance companies are coming up with specially designed plans for women that offer both savings and protection. Here are some optimum plans offered by well-known insurance companies although ... Read More

What Is the most important thing I should know about now?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:18:04


Quick Facts About Zika VirusZika virus gets spread by Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, which also causes dengue, Chikungunya, Mayaro, Yellow fever, etc.This mosquito remains active especially at daytime.This mosquito spreads the virus by biting the infected person and then the rest.Besides mosquito, Zika virus or fever gets spread ... Read More

Who started the #MeToo revolution?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:15:21


#MeToo. A feminine revolution, which has been a center of conversation in all walks of life from the past a few days. As we all know, the revolution consists of encouraging women to speak about any physical or mental abuse they have gone through in their lives. The motive behind ... Read More

Is Shahid Afridi aging in reverse?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:11:50


That's the impression we get when we see the man in action on the cricket field. It also depends to a large extent on the way he carries himself, which is that of a man with hardly any worry in the world. I'm not saying that Afridi is an irresponsible ... Read More

Is it true that Subrata Roy got VIP treatment while he was in Jail?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:10:48


Yes, it’s true that Subrata Roy, the Sahara India chief, was allowed an air-conditioned room with all the advanced communication facilities for about a year before he was sent back to an ordinary cell in November 2015. He remained in the ordinary cell till he got out on parole. Interestingly, ... Read More

What are the best businesses for women in India?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:06:01


The following business ideas are not way different from common business ideas. Today’s women are intelligent and capable enough to embrace and run any business. However, considering the scenario in India, most women are still home-bound even if they have the passion to learn and get themselves independent. Thus, small ... Read More

How did Aircell go bankrupt?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:02:55


Aircell, founded by the entrepreneur, C Sivasankaran, had a troubled legacy going back to the days of the 2G scam when there was a slugfest going on between him and Dayanidhi Maran, the businessman-politician from Tamil Nadu. About three-fourths of Aircell is owned by Maxis Communications, a Malaysian company while ... Read More

Which is better - a smartwatch or a fitness band?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 16:46:26


From the design and features perspective, we have witnessed a drastic change in both the devices over the period. So, let's discuss what new they have to offer and how can they make a difference in our lives.Importance of ScreenFitness BandA plethora of fitness bands are available out there and ... Read More

Why are e-wallet users angry about KYC compliance?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 16:39:03


It has been reported on some media channels that irate e-wallet users are threatening to stop using e-wallets altogether as the functionality of these e-wallets encountered barriers due to the new KYC (Know Your Customer) compliance requirement. While that may be true for the moment, it doesn't appear likely that ... Read More

What are some of the biggest failures of Microsoft?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 16:23:54


It's a fact that even big business giants do create products, which sometimes fail so miserably that it becomes extremely hard to believe that was it really a crop of the well-established magnet. Microsoft too is not an exception as many of its well-endorsed ventures did nothing but ended in ... Read More

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