Nizamuddin Siddiqui has Published 2307 Articles

How to create a standard normal distribution curve with 3-sigma limits in R?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 07-Oct-2020 16:29:52


A standard normal distribution has mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one. Therefore, when we plot it with three sigma limits, we have six points on the X-axis referring to the plus and minus around zero. If the limits are defined then the plotting can be ... Read More

How to change the size of correlation coefficient value in correlation matrix plot using corrplot in R?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 07-Oct-2020 16:26:27

3K+ Views

The correlation coefficient value size in correlation matrix plot created by using corrplot function ranges from 0 to 1, 0 referring to the smallest and 1 referring to the largest, by default it is 1. To change this size, we need to use number.cex argument. For example, if we want ... Read More

How to find the groupwise mean and save it in a data frame object in R?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 07-Oct-2020 16:16:25


We often need groupwise mean in data analysis, especially in situations where analysis of variance techniques is used because these techniques helps us to compare different groups based on their measures of central tendencies and measures of variations. It can be done by using aggregate function so that the output ... Read More

How do you get the file size in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:19:43

2K+ Views

The FileInfo class is used to deal with file and its operations in C#.It provides properties and methods that are used to create, delete and read file. It uses StreamWriter class to write data to the file. It is a part of System.IO namespace.The Directory property retrieves an object that ... Read More

How to write Regex for numbers only in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:17:58

2K+ Views

A regular expression is a pattern that could be matched against an input text.The .Net framework provides a regular expression engine that allows such matching.A pattern consists of one or more character literals, operators, or constructs.Here are basic pattern metacharacters used by RegEx −* = zero or more ? = ... Read More

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:15:49

5K+ Views

We can Get and Post data from a Web API using Web client. Web client provides common methods for sending and receiving data from ServerWeb client is easy to use for consuming the Web API. You can also use httpClient instead of WebClientThe WebClient class uses the WebRequest class to ... Read More

What does LINQ return when the results are empty in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:13:10


Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language.You can write LINQ queries in C# for SQL Server databases, XML documents, ADO.NET Datasets, and any collection of objects that supports IEnumerable or the generic IEnumerable interface.In ... Read More

How to get the thread ID from a thread in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:07:15

2K+ Views

A thread is defined as the execution path of a program. Each thread defines a unique flow of control. If your application involves complicated and time-consuming operations, then it is often helpful to set different execution paths or threads, with each thread performing a particular job.Threads are lightweight processes. One ... Read More

How to find the Number of CPU Cores in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:05:41

2K+ Views

There are several different pieces of information relating to processors that we can getNumber of physical processorsNumber of coresNumber of logical processorsThese can all be different; in the case of a machine with 2 dual-core hyper-threadingenabled processors, there are 2 physical processors, 4 cores, and 8 logical processors.The number of ... Read More

How to calculate the total number of items defined in an enum in C#?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Nizamuddin Siddiqui

Updated on 25-Sep-2020 11:03:40

1K+ Views

An enum is a special "class" that represents a group of constants (unchangeable/readonly variables).To create an enum, use the enum keyword (instead of class or interface), and separate the enum items with a comma −By default, the first item of an enum has the value 0. The second has the ... Read More
