Nikhilesh Aleti has Published 93 Articles

How to use spread operator to join two or more arrays in JavaScript?

Nikhilesh Aleti

Nikhilesh Aleti

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 14:39:58

7K+ Views

Array is a variable. Which has an ability to store multiple values in it using appropriate syntax. Every value is referred with index numbers which will start from 0. Const ipl = [“Chennai”, “Mumbai”, Hyderabad”]; Spread operator (…) Spread operator can do the copying of one object or array’s ... Read More

How to find maximum value in an array using spread operator in JavaScript?

Nikhilesh Aleti

Nikhilesh Aleti

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 13:22:49


In this article, we are going to discuss how to find the maximum value in an array using the spread operator in JavaScript. For this you need to understand what is an array, what is spread operator and Math.max() method. Array An Array is a variable which is used to ... Read More

How to clone an array using spread operator in JavaScript?

Nikhilesh Aleti

Nikhilesh Aleti

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 13:15:10

2K+ Views

In this article, we are going to discuss how to use the spread operator to clone an array in JavaScript. Cloning is just the process of copying one array into another array. Previously, the slice() method was used to clone an array, however, ES6 now provides the spread operator(...) to ... Read More

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