Niharika Aitam has Published 168 Articles

Comparing and Filtering NumPy array

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 07-Aug-2023 15:51:58


The NumPy library has a wide range of tools which perform the comparison and filtering of the arrays. The comparison of arrays will be done element by element in row wise and column wise based on the dimension of the array. When we want to retrieve a particular array element, ... Read More

How do we adjust the size of the plot in Seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:40:59

12K+ Views

The size of a plot refers to its width and height in units such as inches or centimeters. By adjusting the plot size, we can control how much space it occupies on the screen or in printed media. Seaborn provides several options for modifying the plot size to suit our ... Read More

How to remove axes spine from the plot in seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:40:16


The axes spines, also known as the axis lines, which are the lines that define the borders or boundaries of a plot's coordinate system. In a two-dimensional plot, there are typically four axes spines such as top, bottom, left, and right. These spines create the framework for the plot and ... Read More

CMY and CMYK Color Models using Python

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:38:23

1K+ Views

The CMY and CMYK color models are subtractive color models used in printing and graphic design. In Python, we can work with these color models using various libraries and tools. Let's see each color model in detail. CMY color model The CMY color model, also known as the subtractive color ... Read More

Python - Check if a string matches regex list

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:37:34

8K+ Views

A regular expression is also referred as regex, which is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. It's one of the powerful tools used for pattern matching and manipulating strings. In python we are having a module called re which helps to form a regular expression. Regex patterns ... Read More

How to change the figure style to Ticks in Seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:36:39


In Seaborn, the "ticks" figure style is a minimalistic style that removes the background grid lines but retains the tick marks on the axes. This style focuses on presenting the data without any distracting elements and is useful when we want a clean and simple look for our plots. When ... Read More

How to change the figure style to Dark in Seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:35:55


In Seaborn, the figure style refers to the overall visual appearance and aesthetics of a plot. Seaborn provides several built-in figure styles that can be used to enhance the look and feel of your visualizations. These figure styles affect various elements such as colors, grid lines, background, fonts, and more. ... Read More

What is the way to convert the figure style to Whitegrid in Seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:34:53


Seaborn is a popular data visualization library in Python that provides a variety of styles to enhance the visual appearance of plots. One of the available styles is "whitegrid, " which offers a white background with grid lines. Changing the figure style in Seaborn is a straightforward process, and it ... Read More

How to change the figure style to Darkgrid in Seaborn?

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:34:00


Seaborn provides several built-in figure styles that we can choose from to enhance the visual appearance of our plots. These styles affect various elements such as colors, grid lines, background, and fonts. To set the figure style in Seaborn, we can use the sns.set_style() function. The following are the available ... Read More

Finding the Common items among Python dictionaries

Niharika Aitam

Niharika Aitam

Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:33:27


A Dictionary is one of the unordered data structures available in python to store the data in the key and value pair. It is also known as Associative array or Hash map in other programming languages. The dictionary is represented using the curly braces {} and the key and value ... Read More
