Naresh Soni has Published 81 Articles

Prohibition of Discrimination on Certain Grounds

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 15:40:51


Introduction For now, we always hear the slogans of “we all are one”, and notice very less Discrimination on the ground. But, that was not the care in earlier 1947. Article 15 of the Indian constitution played a crucial role to it, in trying to make Indian society fair to ... Read More

Parliament's Power to Reorganize States

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 15:31:27


Introduction By today, India has 28 States and 8 Union territories. But, these are not the same numbers as the 1947. Indian constitution authorizes the Indian parliament to reorganize the boundaries of its states and the Indian Union. This all could be done by the Parliament's Power to Reorganize States. ... Read More

Pandit Nehru's Objective Resolution: Understanding India's Vision for The Future

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 15:12:21

5K+ Views

Introduction Pandit Nehru’s Objective resolution: India's first prime minister, presented the Objective Resolution, which served as the framework for the nation's constitution on December 13, 1946. The resolution served as a vision statement outlining India's aspirations for itself as a sovereign state. Nehru wanted India as a democratic, secular, ... Read More

Overseas Citizenship of India

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 15:08:34


Introduction An Indian citizen who lives in abroad uses their Indian Citizenship at many platforms & enjoys benefits of Indian Citizenship by OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) Card. But, having an Overseas citizenship of India is not easy thing to get. In government exams, many questions are asked about ... Read More

New States and Union Territories in India After 1956

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 15:02:15


Introduction New States and Union Territories in India After 1956: There are many states in India, that get into existence from 1st of November 1956. We have listed all those states in this article, which get into formed from the 1st of November 1956. New states and UT’s in India ... Read More

Mandal Commission: Understanding the Controversies

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 14:46:03


Introduction Mandal Commission: In 1979, the Mandal Commission was commissioned by the government of the Morarji Desai to investigate the condition of socially and educationally backward classes in India and for the measurement of their upliftment in the chairmanship of B.P. Mandal [ parliamentarian]. Whatever upliftments we are seeing now ... Read More

Laws Inconsistent with Fundamental Rights

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 14:42:58


Introduction We would like to inform you that in Indian constitution, this is specially added that “all laws that are inconsistent with the Fundamental Rights, shall be void” under Article 13. By this mean, you can understand the powers of fundamental rights and power of courts with respect to the ... Read More

From Enactment to Enforcement: A Comprehensive Guide to India's Constitution

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 14:40:07


Introduction The Constitution of India contains the basic rules and beliefs that guide the country's democratic system. These rules include the fundamental rights and governing principles. It was enacted in 1950, but it has undergone numerous revisions to keep up with societal demands and shifting times. The Constitution of ... Read More

Features of Fundamental Rights

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 14:36:00

5K+ Views

Introduction Fundamental rights are rights that guaranteed by the supreme court of India to guarantee the justice to the people of India. It’s important for us to know about the feature of those rights under our constitution. This is why we have listed a few of most important Features of ... Read More

Exploring the Committees of the Constituent Assembly: Key Players in Shaping India's Constitution

Naresh Soni

Naresh Soni

Updated on 15-May-2023 14:28:26


Introduction The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly took place in 1946 in New Delhi's Constitution Hall, now known as the Central Hall of Parliament House. Numerous accomplished individuals from various fields collaborated to draft the Indian Constitution. In this article we will discuss Exploring the Committees of the Constituent ... Read More
