Mukul Latiyan has Published 474 Articles

How to set a proxy for wget on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:17:16


Wget is a Linux command line utility that is used to retrieve files from World Wide Web(WWW) and makes use of protocols like HTTPS and FTP. It is a freely available package and can be downloaded and installed on any Linux supporting architecture.One of the key features of wget is ... Read More

How to see top processes sorted by actual memory usage on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:16:08


Linux provides the famous top command utility that provides us with all the information about the processes, their time, their respective IDs, how much CPU chunk they are consuming and much more. The only issue with that is the processes are not sorted in any order and the order changes ... Read More

How to search contents of multiple pdf files on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:12:58

1K+ Views

The pdfgrep command in Linux is used to filter searches for a particular pattern of characters in a PDF or multiple PDFs. It is one of the most used Linux utility commands to display the lines that contain the pattern that we are trying to search.Normally, the pattern that we ... Read More

How to run a crontab job every week on Sunday?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:11:47


In order to create a crontab job to run every Sunday, we first need to explore and understand what a crontab job is.A crontab is nothing but a list of commands that we can run during a cron job. A cron job is a utility that schedules automatic execution of ... Read More

How to resume a partially transferred file over ssh on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:10:50


There is always a scenario where we sometimes encounter the transfer of files to be broken because of some reason. The reasons could be different, unless it is not that you explicitly closed the particular connection or process, it can be recovered.It should also be noted that the scp command ... Read More

How to replace spaces in file names using bash script on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:09:51


Consider a case in which one directory on my local machine looks something like this −immukul@192 dir1 % ls -ltr total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 immukul staff 0 Jul 3 20:44 sample code.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 immukul staff 0 Jul 3 20:44 sample code with love.txtIn the above directory named dir1, there ... Read More

How to quickly sum all the numbers in a file on Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:08:55

5K+ Views

Consider that we have a file named bar that contains different numbers inside it. The bar file looks something like thisimmukul@192 linux-questions-code % cat bar 11 12 13We need to get the sum of all the numbers present in the above file.There are plenty of approaches and solutions that we ... Read More

How to prevent a background process from being stopped after closing SSH client in Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:06:58


A background process in Linux is a process that is running independently of the shell. It provides us the privilege to leave the terminal window, and it will still be executing in the background without any interaction from the users.Nginx and Apache web servers are the most common examples of ... Read More

How to preserve colouring after piping grep to grep in Linux?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:05:57


In order to be able to preserve colouring after using the pipe in between the grep togrep command, we must first be aware of what the grep command is and how to use it on Linux.The grep command in Linux is used to filter searches in a file for a ... Read More

How to perform grep operation on all files in a directory?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 30-Jul-2021 09:04:32

2K+ Views

The grep command in Linux is used to filter searches in a file for a particular pattern of characters. It is one of the most used Linux utility commands to display the lines that contain the pattern that we are trying to search.Normally, the pattern that we are trying to ... Read More
