Mukul Latiyan has Published 474 Articles

Automated Javascript Testing with Mocha.js

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 15-Jun-2023 12:04:07


It is a well-known fact that code is prone to errors, and sometimes even when we know that a particular workflow will work fine for some cases, there's a good chance that we forget about some other cases. In simple terms, it can be said that when we test a ... Read More

Auto-formatting Input Text Content with Cleave.js

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 15-Jun-2023 11:52:27


Auto-formatting is one of those features that are hard to implement but at the same time increases the userexperience a lot. There are different JavaScript libraries that one can use when they want to auto-format the input text content, but the most popular of them is Cleave.js. Cleave.js is a ... Read More

Adding Animations on Scroll with HTML, CSS and AOS.js

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 15-Jun-2023 11:46:46

2K+ Views

AOS.js (Animation on Scroll) is an animation-providing JavaScript library that makes it easier to add tons of animations by simply changing the name of the class in the div tag in which you want to add an animation. While there are different animation JavaScript libraries out there, AOS.js is probably ... Read More

How to create a meeting with the zoom API in Python?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 21-Apr-2023 09:20:03

3K+ Views

Zoom is a video conferencing platform that has become increasingly popular for remote meetings and webinars. Zoom provides an API that allows developers to programmatically interact with Zoom's features and functionality, including creating and managing meetings. In this context, Python provides a simple and efficient way to create meetings through ... Read More

How to Create a Pivot Table in Python using Pandas?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:32:37

3K+ Views

A pivot table is a powerful data analysis tool that allows you to summarize and aggregate data based on different dimensions. In Python, you can create pivot tables using the pandas library, which provides flexible and efficient tools for data manipulation and analysis. To create a pivot table in ... Read More

How to Create a Pie Chart in Seaborn?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:28:57

8K+ Views

One of the most commonly used types of graphs in data visualisation is the pie chart. A pie chart is a circular chart that is divided into slices to represent the proportion of different categories in a dataset. Seaborn is a Python data visualization library that is built on ... Read More

How to create a matrix of random integers in Python?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:18:28

7K+ Views

In Python, you can create a matrix of random integers using the NumPy library. NumPy is a powerful library for scientific computing in Python that provides support for multidimensional arrays, among other things. To create a matrix of random integers using NumPy, you can use the numpy.random.randint() function. This ... Read More

How to Create a Histogram from Pandas DataFrame?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:17:34

9K+ Views

A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset. It is a powerful tool for visualizing the shape, spread, and central tendency of a dataset. Histograms are commonly used in data analysis, statistics, and machine learning to identify patterns, anomalies, and trends in data. Pandas is ... Read More

How to create a Cumulative Histogram in Plotly?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:07:09

1K+ Views

A cumulative histogram is a type of histogram that shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a dataset. The CDF represents the probability that a random observation from the dataset will be less than or equal to a certain value. Cumulative histograms are useful when you want to compare the ... Read More

How to Create a Correlation Matrix using Pandas?

Mukul Latiyan

Mukul Latiyan

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 14:05:08

1K+ Views

Correlation analysis is a crucial technique in data analysis, helping to identify relationships between variables in a dataset. A correlation matrix is a table showing the correlation coefficients between variables in a dataset. It is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into the underlying patterns in the data and ... Read More
