Mukesh Kumar has Published 2035 Articles

Legal Writing: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:34:02


Legal writing typically falls into one of two categories. The first category necessitates a fair evaluation of a legal issue or problem. Inter-office memos and client letters are examples of the first kind. The lawyer must be sensitive to the needs, degree of interest, and background of the persons to ... Read More

Difference Between Legal Rights and Fundamental Rights

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:33:02


The state grants and recognizes several rights of individuals which are essential to their life and liberty. These rights have legal sanction, as they are not only conferred by the state government through a legal process but are also enforceable in a court of law on their violation. Moreover, in ... Read More

Difference Between Lawyer and Advocate

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:32:04


Lawyer and Advocate are the commonly used words in the legal system because they signify the initial functionalities of a person when he or she enters the field. Though, these two are not just words rather designations which are conferred on those who possess the relevant degree and skills. Nevertheless, ... Read More

Labour Organisation: Case Laws

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:29:31


By virtue of Part XIII of the Versailles Peace Treaty, which put an end to World War I, the International Labour Organisation was established in 1919. It sprang from the labour and social movements of the nineteenth century, which resulted in widespread calls for social justice and greater living standards ... Read More

Juristic Person: Definitions and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:25:38


"The words Juristic Person connote recognition of an entity to be in law a person which otherwise it is not, " the Supreme Court stated in Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee vs. Som Nath Dass and Others (2000). In other words, it is not a particular natural person who is to ... Read More

Difference Between Judge and Justice

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:24:10

1K+ Views

Judge and justice are the two most commonly used terms in everyday life, as they head the judicial system and their decisions make headlines in the news every day. Although they both seem similar to each other as they are the presiding judicial officers of their courts, there is a ... Read More

Gambling Laws in India

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:23:00


In India, parents want their children to focus on their academic and career goals, even though many of them stay with them well into adulthood. In India, betting, wagering, and other actions meant to support or promote such behavior are illegal under the country's internet gaming and gambling regulations. ... Read More

Difference Between Fine and Penalty

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:05:44

1K+ Views

There are different types of punishments which are provided by different laws either for commission of offences or for violation of laws. Though, usually imprisonment and death sentences are awarded in criminal matters and damages are granted in civil matters, however in the present times, monetary punishments are becoming a ... Read More

Duty of Care in the USA

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:04:00


The duty of care is a fiduciary duty owed by corporate directors and officers to make choices that prioritize the corporation's interests with reasonable diligence and wisdom. This obligation is owed to the company, not to its shareholders or to society. According to the American Law Institute's Principles of Corporate ... Read More

Division of Powers: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:02:00


Division of Powers is a political-cum administrative concept that has been in existence for centuries in all the nation states around the world not only in theory but also in practice with different dimensions. The concept however has developed in the most systematic manner in the 19th century and has ... Read More
