Mr. Satyabrata has Published 387 Articles

Java Menu Driven Program to Perform Basic String Operations

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:05:23

3K+ Views

String refers to a sequence of characters. In Java Strings are objects. To create and manipulate strings Java provides the String class. String class has many inbuilt methods which are used for different purposes. We will perform a few basic string operations by using inbuilt String methods. replace() Method: It ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Perform Matrix Operation

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:58:11

2K+ Views

Array in Java is called as a non primitive data type which stores a fixed number of single type values. It is called a one-dimensional array. Whereas matrix refers to a rectangular array or Two-Dimensional array. In this article, we will see how to perform different matrix operations like addition, ... Read More

Java Program to Enter a Number in Digit and Display in Words

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:48:25

3K+ Views

Digits are basically represented in number format or these are integer values. But for pronouncing them we are using words. Every digit has a unique word format. For example, the word format of 1 is “One”. Like that for 2 the word format is “two”, for 3 the word format ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Perform Queue Operation

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:44:17


Queue is a linear data structure, in Java considered as a collection whch works on the principle of FIFO (First In First Out). In this article we will see how to perform different queue operations like Enqueue, Dequeue, front of the queue, size of the queue, is queue empty or ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Perform Array Operation

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:40:45

2K+ Views

Array in Java is called as a non primitive data type which stores a fixed number of single type values. It is called a One-dimensional array. In this article, we will see how to perform different array operations like checking duplicate elements, printing array in reverse order, checking largest element, ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Determine Cost of New Membership

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:38:24


When we go anywhere for any type of membership they have different prices for different plans. For example silver membership, gold membership, diamond membership, platinum membership etc. where the silver membership costs less than others and platinum membership costs more than other plans. In this article we will see how ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Check Type of a Number

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:33:35


In Java we have primitive numeric data types for numbers that are short, byte, int, long, float and double. These numeric data types allow us to represent different integer and real numbers based on their range as a specific data type has its lower and upper range. Below are the ... Read More

Java Menu Driven Program to Check Positive Negative or Odd Even Number

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:27:07

1K+ Views

A number is said to be a positive number if it is greater than 0 and if it is less than 0 then it is called a negative number. Negative number is followed by a minus sign (-) to identify it as a negative number. A number is said to ... Read More

JAVA Program to Find Length of Longest Chord of a Circle

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:24:38


A circle is a round shape two-dimensional diagram which has no corners. Every circle has an origin point and every point on the circle maintains equal distance from the origin. The distance between the origin and a point in a circle is known as Radius of the circle. And similarly, ... Read More

JAVA Program to Replace Each Element of Array with its Next Element

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:19:35


In Java, Array is an object. It is a non-primitive data type which stores values of similar data types. As per the problem statement we have to replace each element of the array with its next element and we can replace the last element with the first element. Let’s start! ... Read More
