Mr. Satyabrata has Published 387 Articles

What is Code Review and Why is It Important?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:46:24


Code review is essential for the development of any software development project. It doesn't matter what type of coding language the developer is using. When a software developer writes code and, after completing it, finds any code errors or issues, another software developer reviews it. It is the phase ... Read More

What is Business Agility?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:45:11


With this fast-paced business environment, all organizations need to change & react according to the shifts in the market. It has led to the emergence of the concept of business agility. Here we will talk about the definition of business agility, its benefits & how organizations can achieve it. What ... Read More

What is an Agile Retrospective?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:44:33


Agile teams often convene to reflect on what went well, what didn't, and how to improve the process for the following iteration. This meeting is known as the agile retrospective. The team will have the chance to discuss what went well and poorly during the previous iteration and to develop ... Read More

What is an Agile Coach and How to Become One?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:43:37


As organizations acknowledge the need for speed & agility in their software development practices, the market for Agile coaches has also improved. An Agile coach is someone responsible for assisting organizations to adopt & enhance their Agile practices. In this article, we will discuss more about what is agile coach, ... Read More

What is Agile Manifesto and Its Relevancy

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:42:37


The "Manifesto for Agile Software Development" is a declaration aimed at enhancing software development practices. It outlines 4 core values and 12 principles as a response to the inefficiencies of traditional development processes, such as heavy documentation and the potential for oversights. Initially created to aid software developers in building ... Read More

What is Agile Hardware Development?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:42:11


Agile hardware development is a methodology that applies the principles and practices of Agile software development to the development of hardware products. While Agile originated in the software industry, its concepts have been successfully adapted to other fields, including hardware development. A Brief into of Agile Hardware Development The traditional ... Read More

What is Agile Design and How is It Done?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:41:41


In software development, Agile design is common nowadays. It refers to a process that emphasizes flexibility & adaptability in the design process. It is a response to the traditional approach to software design, which involves a linear process of requirements gathering, design, implementation, and testing. The agile design promotes collaboration ... Read More

What is Agile CRM

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:41:01


Agile CRM, a customer relationship management (CRM) software, provides a comprehensive set of features & tools. It helps with making businesses automate & streamline their sales, marketing, & customer service processes. All these techniques and tools are for meeting the requirements of small & medium-sized businesses. Agile CRM Features Agile ... Read More

What is Agile Burnout and How to Deal with It?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:40:31


Agile burnout is different from normal burnout. It creates an unwanted situation where an Agile team member feels overworked by the workload pressure of Agile projects, becomes exhausted, and possibly loses interest. This can harm both their work efficiency and their mental well-being. The Agile teams may be more vulnerable ... Read More

What do You Think About Sprint and Sprint Plan?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 11:40:01


Sprint is a time-boxed iteration in the Agile methodology used for software development. It is a crucial part of the Scrum framework. And widely utilized by organizations to develop high-quality software products. Sprint planning is an event held at the beginning of every sprint to plan and discuss the tasks ... Read More
