Mr. Satyabrata has Published 387 Articles

Java Program for Closest Prime Number

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 28-Jun-2024 12:36:00


A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that is only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers are an essential concept in mathematics and computer science. They are integers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. Finding prime numbers is an important task in many ... Read More

How to Convert Timestamp to Date in Java?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 20-Jun-2024 15:42:32

8K+ Views

In Java, Timestamp can be converted Date by using Date class. Date class is present in java.util package. The constructor of the Date class receives a long value as an argument. Since the constructor of the Date class requires a long value, we need to convert the Timestamp object ... Read More

JAVA Menu Driven Program to Check Character is String, Number or Special Character

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-May-2024 14:47:53

10K+ Views

In this article, we will see a menu driven program to check if the entered character is number, string or special character by Java programming language. We will be implementing the application using a switch case. To show you some instances  Instance-1 Suppose the entered character is ‘a’ then the ... Read More

What is the Need of Computer Network?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-May-2024 12:29:29

7K+ Views

In the modern era, computers have become a vital component of both commercial and private operations in the industry sector. As technological developments have accelerated, networking has become increasingly important. We have gradually transitioned from the first wired network technology to wireless networking technology. If we look at it now, ... Read More

Find All the Subarrays of a Given Array in Java

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 22-Oct-2023 03:27:40

35K+ Views

An array is a linear data structure in which elements are stored in contiguous memory locations. As per problem statement, we have to find all the subarrays of a given array. Subarrays are part or a section of an array. When we talk about all subarrays of an array, we ... Read More

IoT Communication APIs

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:59:10

13K+ Views

The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed how we interact with devices and created new opportunities for businesses to gather and analyze data. However, this has created a demand for device−to−device communication that is seamless. This is where IoT Communications APIs come to play a major role in communication systems. ... Read More

What is Blockchain of Things (BoT)?

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:58:33


Blockchain is a newly popular technology widely used for the secure storage and sharing of information. It is a shared ledger that improves the ability to store data and information virtually about transactions or assets. Using this technology, the data assets can be stored digitally and the data will stay ... Read More

What is Internet of Behaviour (IoB)

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:58:00


In this era of the Internet of Things (IoT), where massive numbers of devices are interconnected and share data and information via the Internet. This enormous amount of data demands a system that can comprehend and manipulate the data to understand human behavior better. By analyzing the interaction of humans ... Read More

Different Types of Communication in IoT

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:57:10


The technology, Internet of Things (IoT) has completely changed how we work and live. It is a system of linked devices that collaborate to exchange information and carry out different functions. In the Internet of Things, communication is essential for allowing devices to connect, work together, and share information easily. ... Read More

Understanding Android Things (Android of Things)

Mr. Satyabrata

Mr. Satyabrata

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:43:27


In the year 2015, Google unveiled Android Things, an embedded operating system platform. The phrase "Hardware based development" is used to describe Android Things. You may create IoT devices using the Android Things platform, which is an addition to the Android operating system. Since you are all familiar with Android ... Read More

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