Mohit Panchasara has Published 87 Articles

Various tricks for :before pseudo elements using position property in CSS

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 16:56:28


Generally, we add content to the web page using HTML and style the content using CSS. The CSS contains some pseudo-selectors, such as ‘:before’, and we can use it to add content to the web page before any HTML element. Sometimes, developers don’t want to put the content before the ... Read More

Top Open Source Libraries for Tailwind CSS Components

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 16:54:32


In this tutorial, we will see the top open-source libraries for tailwind CSS components. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework providing many pre-designed components to help developers rapidly create cutting-edge web apps. Tailwind CSS has its own set of pre-designed components and several open-source libraries that can be integrated, ... Read More

Top 10 Tailwind CSS Plugins

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 16:34:02

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to see the top 10 tailwind CSS plugins. Plugins are software components that enable customization. It adds specific features to customize the program. It enables to edit and modify the font, colors, and background of the program. With the help of CSS and html, ... Read More

Logical Properties in CSS

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 16:27:07


In CSS, logical properties allow developers to define the style based on the logical structure of the web page rather than the physical layout. It means we can apply the CSS according to the text direction or content flow. Mainly logical properties are used to set the HTML element's margin, ... Read More

Loading Text Animation Effect using CSS

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:36:22


Nowadays, the animation is the most powerful feature in the applications to attract more users, and it increases users' interest in exploring the application. In web applications, we can create animations using HTML and CSS. However, we can create animations using JavaScript, but it makes the website slower. In this ... Read More

JavaScript String Prototype Property

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:34:20


In JavaScript, every object has its own properties, and each object contains the prototype property. The string is also an object in JavaScript. So, it also contains the prototype property. The prototype property is nested in the object, meaning every prototype property contains another prototype property. The string object’s prototype ... Read More

Is there any selector for elements containing certain text in CSS?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:30:37

4K+ Views

In CSS, selectors are used to select an HTML element to style. There are various CSS selectors available in CSS, such as class selector, id selector, name selector, etc. Sometimes, developers need to select an HTML element based on the custom attribute value instead of selecting it based on the ... Read More

How to check empty/undefined/null strings in JavaScript?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:18:59

15K+ Views

In JavaScript, “” represents the empty string, and we can use the null keyword to initialize the string with a null value. If we don’t assign any value to any variable, it is undefined by default. Sometimes, we need to check if the string is empty, undefined, or null while ... Read More

How to use Redux with React Native?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:54:53

7K+ Views

Redux is a state-management library for JavaScript programs. It provides a central location to store all state information for an application and a predictable way to alter the state using actions and reducers. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications using React. To utilize Redux with ... Read More

How to send button value to PHP backend via POST using ajax?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:56:27

2K+ Views

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) makes web pages more responsive, interactive, and dynamic by enabling server communication without requiring a page to load. JavaScript is used to send and receive data from a server using various technologies, including XML, JSON, and HTML. In these, JSON is the most popular. ... Read More
