Mohit Panchasara has Published 87 Articles

Array Vs. Tuples in TypeScript

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:39:32


When working with TypeScript, developers have access to various data structures to store and manipulate data. Two commonly used data structures are arrays and tuples. Both arrays and tuples allow us to store multiple values, but they differ in terms of their structure and usage. In this tutorial, we will ... Read More

How to automatically compile your TypeScript files with Visual Studio Code on OS X?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:30:44


TypeScript is a popular programming language that is widely used in the web development industry. It is an open-source, strongly typed, and object-oriented programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is very similar to JavaScript, but it has a few additional features that make it more powerful and ... Read More

Readonly Properties in TypeScript

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:24:44


In TypeScript, properties are an essential part of defining the structure and behavior of objects. They allow us to encapsulate data and provide a way to access and manipulate it. By default, properties in TypeScript can be both read and write, meaning they can be both accessed and modified. However, ... Read More

TypeScript for Java/C# Programmers

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 15:04:43


In this tutorial, we will discuss TypeScript, a great option for programmers who have experience with static typing languages like C# and Java. We can benefit from TypeScript's type system, which offers improved code completion, earlier error detection, and clearer communication between different parts of our program. It's essential to ... Read More

Typescript - filter all matching objects in the object and its exactly the same children

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 15:03:33

1K+ Views

One common task in software development is filtering objects based on specific criteria. In this tutorial, we will explore how to filter all matching objects in an object and its exactly the same children using Typescript. This technique can be particularly useful when working with complex data structures or when ... Read More

Structural typing in Typescript

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 15:00:36


TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, introduces static typing to JavaScript, allowing developers to catch potential errors and enhance code quality. One of the key features that set TypeScript apart is its support for structural typing. While other statically typed languages often rely on nominal typing, TypeScript embraces the concept of ... Read More

Private, Public & Protected Access Modifiers in TypeScript

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:57:59


Access modifiers are essential because they allow us to enforce encapsulation and define the boundaries of class member accessibility. With access modifiers, we can restrict access to certain members, ensuring they are only accessible within the class itself. We can also make members public, allowing them to be accessed from ... Read More

Is it possible to generate TypeScript declaration files from JS library?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:54:04


If you have ever worked with JavaScript libraries in your TypeScript projects, you may have encountered situations where you needed type information for those libraries. TypeScript declaration files, denoted with the .d.ts extension, provide type information for JavaScript code, enabling better static type checking and editor support in TypeScript projects. ... Read More

How to use Record type in typescript?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:52:31


In TypeScript, the Record type is a powerful tool that allows you to define an object type with specific keys and corresponding value types. This tutorial will guide you through the fundamentals of using the Record type, providing syntax explanations and practical examples along the way. Whether you're a beginner ... Read More

How to Get Window History in TypeScript?

Mohit Panchasara

Mohit Panchasara

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 14:51:00


The user’s history of visited web pages is represented via the window.history object. A history of the pages that have been loaded is stored in an array called the history object. The history object only provides a finite amount of information. The history object only has a few properties and ... Read More
