Md. Sajid has Published 361 Articles

Difference between HDLC and SDLC

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:27:08

3K+ Views

SDLC is a character-oriented protocol and HDLC is bit-oriented; this is where the two protocols diverge the most. The fault detection capability, dependability, and speed of HDLC and SDLC are different. The data is divided into bits in HDLC before being sent over the network, whereas characters are divided into ... Read More

Difference between Hard Drive and Memory

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:53:53

1K+ Views

Hard Drive and Memory are both used for the same purpose of storing data. For long-term data retention, we need to use the Hard Drive storage device. On the other hand, the memory storage device is used for short-term data retention. Hard Drive or HDD is slower than the memory ... Read More

Difference between GoFlex and FreeAgent

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:48:09


GoFlex and FreeAgent are two models of external hard drives by Seagate. GoFlex has 2 terabytes of storage capacity, while FreeAgent has 1.5 terabytes. GoFlex is an older model, while FreeAgent is an entirely new edition. In GoFlex, you may add more adapters than in Free Agent. GoFlex is ... Read More

Difference between Food Processor and Blender

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:32:16


Food processors and blenders are kitchen appliances that perform and look the same. These two are used for food preparation. Blenders are used to blend liquid and semi- liquid foods such as smoothies, mixes, liquid puree, and more. Where food processors are used to process liquid and solid foods such ... Read More

Difference between Egrep and Fgrep

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:29:43

5K+ Views

Egrep and Fgrep, two different command-line utilities, are used to search for text patterns in files. These two commands are often used in operating systems built on Unix, like Linux and macOS. An enhanced version of the ordinary grep tool is known as "extended grep." It supports the use ... Read More

Difference between DSL Modem and Cable Modem

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:26:34

3K+ Views

Cable modems and DSL modems are both devices that allow you to connect your computer to the Internet. But what’s the difference between DSL modem and cable modem? For starters, a DSL modem uses a phone line to connect to the Internet, while a cable modem uses a cable TV ... Read More

Difference between Download Manager and Download Accelerator

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:23:37


There are two different types of software used when downloading data from the Internet: a download manager and a download accelerator. By breaking the file up into smaller chunks and downloading them all at once is known as the download manager, a download accelerator is a program that accelerates the ... Read More

Difference between Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:22:00

3K+ Views

Diagnosing and Troubleshooting can be carried out using a set of tools and techniques. You can analyze the issues, utilizing tools like "system logs" and "event observers" to determine the root cause of the problem. In addition, there are unique tools like "clunk" and "traceroute" to locate the issues. The ... Read More

Difference between CSH and BASH

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:20:28

4K+ Views

Linux is a popular operating system among computer enthusiasts. It is a free and open operating system. Shells are the screens that we utilize to control an operating system. Shells are CSH and BASH. Shells act as a channel for communication between programmers and the device. We issue orders and ... Read More

Difference between Cooler and Air Conditioner

Md. Sajid

Md. Sajid

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:19:10

1K+ Views

Air coolers and air conditioners are popular electronic appliances that help cool down a room’s temperature. But these two appliances operate in completely different ways and provide different set of features. A cooler is also known as an evaporative or air cooler, which generally works by pulling in the hot ... Read More
