Mayank Agarwal has Published 380 Articles

How to crop an image using crop() function in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:20:30

3K+ Views

NodeJS – Crop() is an inbuilt function that is used to crop the images. We can use crop to select/crop an image within specified coordinates and dimnesions.Syntaxcrop( x, y, w, h, cb )Definition of crop() paramtersx – It will hold the value of x co-ordinate of cropping. (Required)y – It ... Read More

How to adjust the contrast of an image using contrast() function in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:16:25


NodeJS – Contrast() is an inbuilt function that is used to adjust the contrast of images. It will increase or decrease the contrast based upon the input value that ranges from -1 to +1.Syntaxcontrast(n, cb)Definition of contrast() paramtersn – It will take n as an input for adjusting the contrast of ... Read More

How to spin the hue of an image using Jimp in NodeJS?

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:10:22


NodeJS – spin modifier is an inbuilt function that is used to spin the hue of an image to a given amount from -360° to 360°. We can spin the color from 0 to 360, but it will not perform any function, as it sets the hue back to what ... Read More

How to combine two bitmap patterns using Node Jimp Blit Function?

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 12:22:29


This NodeJS – Blit() is an inbuilt function that is used to combine two bitmap patterns. It can also be used for combining several bitmaps into one using a boolean function.Syntaxblit(src, x, y, [srcx, srcy, srcw, srch])Definition of blit() paramterssrc – It will store the source image for blit.x – It ... Read More

How to blur an image using Node Jimp blur() function?

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 12:20:25

1K+ Views

NodeJS – Blur() is an inbuilt function that is used to blur images. The effect produced by JIMP blur() will be similar to that of the Gaussian blur. It blurs based on the pixels input.Syntaxblur(r, cb)Definition of blur() paramtersr – It takes the input for blur and blurs based upon ... Read More

Introduction to URLSearchParams API in Node.js

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 11:24:17


Node is an open source project that is used to create dynamic web applications. The URLSearchParams API is an interface. It defines different utility that is required to work with the query string of the URL.In this article, we will discuss the four different constructors of URLSearchParams that can be ... Read More

Introduction to Sequelize in NodeJS

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 11:22:34

2K+ Views

Sequelize follows a promise-based Node.js ORM structure for different databases like – Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. Sequelize have multiple features which makes it easy to implement and use.Some of the main features of sequelize are as follows −Sequelize is a third-party package.It uses an Object-Relational Mapping ... Read More

Inserting Records into Table using Node

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 11:20:34


In this article, we will see how we can insert data into a table using NodeJS. Read the complete article to understand how we can save data into the database table.Before proceeding, please check the following steps are already executed −mkdir mysql-testcd mysql-testnpm init -ynpm install mysqlThe above steps are ... Read More

Image Processing with NodeJS JIMP

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 11:18:01


JIMP, also known as JavaScript Image Manipulation Program, is an image processing library for Node written in JavaScript with no other dependency. It allows the user to easily manipulate the and transform the images into any required shape, format, dimnesion or style. It can also be used for optimizing images ... Read More

ensureSymlink() function in fs-extra - NodeJS

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 11:13:29


Introduction to Async ensureSymlink()This method will ensure whether the symlink exists or not. It will create the directory structure if it does not exist.SyntaxcreateSymlink(srcPath, destPah[, type] [, callback])ParameterssrcPath – The source path of the file.destPath – Destination path of the file.type – This parameter is only available on Windows and ... Read More
