Manisha Shejwal has Published 13 Articles

Difference between Static and Dynamic Hashing

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 22:01:30

31K+ Views

Hashing is a computation technique in which hashing functions take variable-length data as input and issue a shortened fixed-length data as output. The output data is often called a "Hash Code", "Key", or simply "Hash". The data on which hashing works is called a "Data Bucket". Characteristics of Hashing Technique ... Read More

Difference between Tortoise and Turtle

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:33:20


Tortoises and Turtles both belong to class Reptilia of the order Testudines of Animalia kingdom. The word "Testudine" is derived from a Latin word, ‘Testa’, which means shell. Both, tortoises, and turtles have shells on their back to protect them from predators and various threats. They both lay eggs into ... Read More

Difference between Globular and Fibrous Proteins

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:18:00


Proteins are micro-molecules, which perform various functions in the cells of living organism’s body. Proteins are made of amino acid. The shape of a protein molecule is decided by how amino acids are arranged within the molecule. Depending on the gross structure of the protein molecule, the proteins are classified ... Read More

Difference between Erosion and Weathering

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:08:54


There are various landforms on Earth’s surface such as rocks, cliffs, seashores, mountains, valleys, plateaus, and volcanic cones. The shape of these landforms continuously undergoes changes as they degrade due the exposure to changing environment, wind, ice, water, or any human activities. In Geology, the two terms are used to ... Read More

Difference between Cheetah and Leopard

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:30:21


There are mainly four big cats in the world: Jaguar, Leopard, Lion, Snow Leopard, and Tiger. All big cats roar and no animal can hunt them. Cheetah, Cougar, Lynx, Snow Leopard also belong to Family Felidae, Subfamily Felinae (a group of small to mid-size cats including bigger cats as Cheetah ... Read More

Difference between Amphibians and Reptiles

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:28:18


Amphibians and Reptiles belong to the class Amphibia of kingdom Animalia. They both are vertebrates and cold-blooded. They are ectotherms, means they are responsible to control their body temperature by relying upon external environment. They have extraordinary eyesight which helps them to hunt their prey. There are around 7000 species ... Read More

Difference between Algae and Fungi

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:23:44


Algae and Fungi belong to the class Thallophyte (lower-order plants) of the Kingdom Plantae. Both are plant-like organisms, but they don't have conventional features of a plant such as leaves, stem, or root. Some Algae and Fungi are toxic and some are not. They both are useful for humans. Algae ... Read More

Difference between Edge Computing and Distributed Computing

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 03-Aug-2022 12:04:22

4K+ Views

Information Technology used traditional centralized computing framework for many years, where one server was connected to multiple clients and was responsible to fulfill the requests coming from them. This client-server architecture has its own limitations such as possibility of scaling to some extent only vertically, ability of the server to ... Read More

Difference between Digital Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 03-Aug-2022 12:01:40


While traditional marketing still holds its place by billboards, distributing handouts, promoting on television and newspaper, etc., the digital marketing has opened-up new gates to market the products and services quicker, reaching out to vast customer base, and providing measurable insights of the marketing campaign. What is Digital Marketing? It ... Read More

Difference between Batch Processing and Stream Processing

Manisha Shejwal

Manisha Shejwal

Updated on 03-Aug-2022 11:57:43


Computer systems have been handling data since decades, but the volume and speed of handling has become phenomenal in the last few years. Data processing means "the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information", has been evolving in terms of speed, efficiency, and leveraging the computing ... Read More
