Mahesh Parahar has Published 253 Articles

Can we convert a List to Set and back in Java?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 12:06:15


A list can be converted to a set object using Set constructor. The resultant set will elliminate any duplicate entry present in the list and will contains only the unique values.Set set = new HashSet(list);On similar pattern, we can get a list from a set using its constructor.List list = ... Read More

Can we convert an array to list and back in Java?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 12:04:49


The List provides two methods to convert a List into Array.1. Use toArray() method without parameter.Object[] toArray()ReturnsAn array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence.2. Use toArray() with array. T[] toArray(T[] a)Type ParameterT  − The runtime type of the array.Parametersa  − The array into which the ... Read More

How to convert a Java list to a set?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:59:46


A list can be converted to a set object using Set constructor. The resultant set will elliminate any duplicate entry present in the list and will contains only the unique values.Set set = new HashSet(list);Or we can use set.addAll() method to add all the elements of the list to the ... Read More

Can we convert a Java list to array?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:57:35


The List provides two methods to convert a List into Array.1. Use toArray() method without parameter.Object[] toArray()ReturnsAn array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence.2. Use toArray() with array. T[] toArray(T[] a)Parametersa  − The array into which the elements of this list are to be stored, ... Read More

How to check the Java list size?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:47:11


List provides a method size() to check the current size of the list.Syntaxint size()Returns the number of elements in this list. If this list contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.ReturnsThe number of elements in this list.ExampleThe following example shows how to get size of a list using size() method.package ... Read More

How to check if Java list contains an element or not?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:44:40

4K+ Views

List provides a method contains() to check if list contains that element or not. It utilizes equals() method so we need to override the equals() method in the element type.Syntaxboolean contains(Object o)Returns true if this list contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this list ... Read More

How do I add multiple items to a Java ArrayList in single statement?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:30:00

2K+ Views

We can utilize Arrays.asList() method to get a List of specified elements in a single statement.Syntaxpublic static List asList(T... a)Returns a fixed-size list backed by the specified array. (Changes to the returned list "write through" to the array.)Type ParameterT  − The runtime type of the array.Parametersa  − The array ... Read More

How do I insert an item between two items in a list in Java?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:26:55

1K+ Views

We can insert element between two items of an array list easily using its add() method.Syntaxvoid add(int index, E element)Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one ... Read More

Can we insert null values in a Java list?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 11:23:46

13K+ Views

SolutionYes, We can insert null values to a list easily using its add() method. In case of List implementation does not support null then it will throw NullPointerException.Syntaxboolean add(E e)Appends the specified element to the end of this list.Type ParameterE  − The runtime type of the element.Parameterse  − Element to ... Read More

How do I insert elements at a specific index in Java list?

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 09-May-2022 09:03:52


SolutionWe can add all elements of one list into another list at a specified index easily using its addAll() method.Syntaxboolean addAll(int index, Collection

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