Mahesh Parahar has Published 253 Articles

Difference between RDBMS and MongoDB

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:14:44

5K+ Views

RDBMSRDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It stores data in form of entity as tables. It provides multiple layers on information security. Each table may or may not have a primary key which identifies a record uniquely in a table and a foreign key which indentifies the relationship between ... Read More

Difference between ReactJS and Vue.js

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:07:00


ReactJSReact or ReactJS was originally developed by Facebook and it acts on view layer for web and mobile based application. It integrates well with Node js environment. Following are key features of React.Scalability - react is highly adaptable and scalable library.Rich in features - Provides extensions to existing javascript and ... Read More

Difference between JPEG and PNG

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:04:45

8K+ Views

JPEG and PNG both are a type of image format to store images. JPEG uses lossy compression algorithm and image may lost some of its data whereas PNG uses lossless compression algorithm and no image data loss is present in PNG format.Following are the important differences between JPEG and PNG.Sr. ... Read More

Difference between Use Case and Test Case

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 08:11:26

3K+ Views

Use Cases and Test Cases are two important terms in context of Software Testing. A use case tells how a System will behave or perform a certain task provided the given conditions and a test case contains the actual test data, set of instructions to system and expected result of ... Read More

Difference between SQL(Structured Query Language) and T-SQL(Transact-SQL).

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:58:51


SQLSQL, Structured Query Language is a non-procedural language and is used by database engines to interpret SQL queries to create/modify/access the database elements.T-SQLT-SQL, Transact-SQL, is a procedural extension to SQL, used by SQL Server. It is similar to PL/SQL of Oracle.Following are the important difference between SQL and T-SQL.Sr. No.KeySQLT-SQL1TypeSQL ... Read More

Difference between Organic Search and Paid Search

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:53:23

2K+ Views

Organic SearchOrganic Search results are unpaid section of a search result page which appears on search engine page based on their relevance to keyword searched. A website submits its entry to a search engine like google and then based on the contents of the website, search engine ranks the pages ... Read More

Difference between Centralized Version Control and Distributed Version Control

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:51:49

9K+ Views

Centralized Version ControlCentralized Version Control is a version control system using server/client model and server contains all the history of source code.Distributed Version ControlDistributed Version Control is a version control where each client can have same copy of source code as server has and both server and client maintain history ... Read More

Difference between SQL and PL/SQL

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:32:03

14K+ Views

SQL, Structural Query Language is a standard database language which is used create, maintain and retrieve the relational database whereas PL/SQL, Procedural Language extension to SQL, it extends SQL and provide it procedural capabilities.Following are the important differences between SQL and PL/SQL.Sr. No.KeySQLPL/SQL1DefinitionSQL, is Structural Query Language for database.PL/SQL is ... Read More

Difference between Oracle and SQL Server

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:29:32

9K+ Views

Both Oracle and SQL Server, both are relational database management systems or RDBMS.Following are the important differences between Oracle and SQL Server.Sr. No.KeyOracleSQL Server1Developed ByOracle Server is owned by Oracle.SQL Server is developed by Microsoft.2Procedural LanguageOracle uses PL/SQL.SQL Server uses T-SQL.3UsageOracle is complex to use.SQL Server is simple to use.4OS ... Read More

Difference between MySQL and MongoDB

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:27:28


MySQL is a relational database. MongoDB is NoSQL Database.Following are the important differences between MySQL and MongoDB.Sr. No.KeyMySQLMongoDB1Owned/Developed ByMySQL is owned by Oracle.MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc.2Data StorageMySql stores data in tabular format as records in table.MongoDB stores records as documents.3LanguageSQL, Structured Query Language is used to query database.Dynamic ... Read More
