Mahesh Parahar has Published 253 Articles

Difference between Managed and Unmanaged code in .NET

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:48:33

3K+ Views

.NET Framework has CLR, Common Language Runtime which execute the code written in .NET languages. CLR manages the memory needs, security concern, code optimization, platform specific conversion etc. In case of Unmanaged code, no CLR is present, and code is directly executed by Operating system.Following are some of the important ... Read More

C/C++ difference's between strncmp() and strcmp.

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:35:51


strncmp() and strcmp compares two strings using ASCII character comparison. strncmp takes one additional parameter as number to characters upto which a string is to be compared. It is very useful as if a string is not valid, then strcmp will not be able to complete its operation. strcmp searches ... Read More

Difference between const char* p, char * const p, and const char * const p in C

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:30:36

11K+ Views

PointerIn C programming language, *p represents the value stored in a pointer and p represents the address of the value, is referred as a pointer.const char* and char const* says that the pointer can point to a constant char and value of char pointed by this pointer cannot be changed. ... Read More

Difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const * in C

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:27:49

4K+ Views

PointerIn C programming language, *p represents the value stored in a pointer and p represents the address of the value, is referred as a pointer.const int* and int const* says that the pointer can point to a constant int and value of int pointed by this pointer cannot be changed. ... Read More

Difference between ++*p, *p++ and *++p in C

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:25:31

9K+ Views

Pointer AirthmeticsIn C programming language, *p represents the value stored in a pointer. ++ is increment operator used in prefix and postfix expressions. * is dereference operator. Precedence of prefix ++ and * is same and both are right to left associative. Precedence of postfix ++ is higher than both ... Read More

Difference between %d and %i format specifier in C language.

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:22:05

12K+ Views

Format SpecifiersIn C programming language, %d and %i are format specifiers as where %d specifies the type of variable as decimal and %i specifies the type as integer. In usage terms, there is no difference in printf() function output while printing a number using %d or %i but using scanf ... Read More

C/C++ difference's between "int main()" and "int main(void)"

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:19:29


CIn C programming language, if a function signature is not having any parameters then it can take multiple arguments as input but the same is not true with C++. The compilation will fail if arguments are passed to such a function in C++. This is reason int main() and int ... Read More

Difference between the Ternary operator and Null coalescing operator in php

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 06-Jan-2020 06:15:23


Ternary operatorTernary operator is used to replace if else statements into one statement.Syntax(condition) ? expression1 : expression2;Equivalent Expressionif(condition) {    return expression1; } else {    return expression2; }If condition is true, then it returns result of expression1 else it returns result of expression2. void is not allowed in condition ... Read More

Difference between Frontend Testing and Backend Testing

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 28-Nov-2019 11:43:45


A Web based application is generally three tier architecture based application. First layer is presentation layer called front-end, second layer is business layer or application layer and third layer is database called back-end.Frontend TestingFrontend testing refers to testing the application UI or presentation layer. It can be manual as well ... Read More

Difference between Database and a Blockchain

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 28-Nov-2019 11:24:42


DatabaseDatabase represents a data structure comprised of tables, schemas to store user and system information. It provides SQL to Create, Read, Delete and Update its records. DBMS, Database management systems manages a database. Usually Database administrators modifies the sensitive data. A database follows client-server model architecture.BlockchainBlockchain represents a chain of ... Read More
