Mahesh Parahar has Published 253 Articles

Difference between Fedora and Red Hat

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:46:41


FedoraFedora is Linux based and open-source operating system intended for developers and system administrators. It is supported by a huge Red Hat Community. It was introduced in Sep 2003. Initially, it was also known as Fedora Core. Fedora OS uses IPSec to connect to remote machines or networks. It uses ... Read More

Difference between Fedora and Debian

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:32:12


FedoraFedora is Linux based and open-source operating system intended for developers and system administrators. It is supported by a huge Red Hat Community. It was introduced in Sep 2003. Initially, it was also known as Fedore Core. Fedora OS uses IPSec to connect to remote machines or networks. It uses ... Read More

Difference between Python and Bash

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:20:19

1K+ Views

PythonPython is a programing language designed to be simple to implement and easy to understand. It is a dynamically typed language. It is not using pointers.BashBash is a command-line interpreter and is shipped by default in Linux and MacOS operating systems. It can be installed in other operating systems as ... Read More

Difference between Pipes and Message Queues

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:16:00

3K+ Views

Unix PipesUnix Pipes are used in inter-process communication. A pipe as name suggests provides a unidirectional flow of information. Data flows from one end to another.Message QueuesMessage queue allows to share messages by a sender process to another process (es). A message queue is implemented as a linked list of ... Read More

Difference between Java and Kotlin in Android with Examples

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 16-Apr-2020 05:57:32


Kotlin was introduced in Android development considering multiple enhancements in Kotlin w.r.t Java. For example:Less no. of Lines and easier development with the same functionality.Java: TextView displayText = (TextView) findViewById(; displayText.setText("Hello World"); Kotlin: textView.setText("Hello World")Compile-time handling of infamous null pointer exception.var value: String = "abc" // compilation error ... Read More

Difference between AI and Expert System

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:40:40

2K+ Views

AIAI or Artificial Intelligence is a science which deals with making machine intelligence. It utilizes image processing, cognitive science, neural systems, machine learning etc. AI enables machines to behave in a similar manner as human behaves in varying situations.Expert SystemExpert System is an application using AI to build a knowledge ... Read More

Difference between Google Fi and Ting

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:34:46


Both Google Fi and Ting are Mobile Virtual Network Operator, MVNO and provides telephone calls, SMS and mobile broadband services using cellular networks and WiFi.Google FiGoogle Fi offers wireless services and access to a wide range of online services provided by Google. In the US, Google Fi is available on ... Read More

Difference between Basic Disk and Dynamic Disk

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:31:48

3K+ Views

Both basic disk and dynamic disk are disk configurations available in Windows Operating System. A basic disk is from initial days of DOS, Windows to till date. Dynamic Disk is available from Window 2000 onwards.Basic DiskBasic Disk Configuration works on the concept of partition, partition table, and logical drives. A ... Read More

Difference between Facial Recognition and Face ID

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:29:34


Facial RecognitionFacial recognition is a technique in which a person is identified using his/her face. The system captures the facial expression details, analyzes and compares with an existing database of known faces to find a match. The face detection process helps to locate people in images and videos.Face IDFace ID ... Read More

Explain difference between == and is operator in Python.

Mahesh Parahar

Mahesh Parahar

Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:24:35


== operator== operator compares the operands by checking the equality of values of operatoris operator compares the operands by checking the objects to be the same or not.ExampleFollowing is the program in Python to showcase the difference. Live Demolist1 = [1] list2 = [1] list3 = list1 print(id(list1)) print(id(list2)) ... Read More
