Kanal S Sajan has Published 171 Articles

What are the advantages of Symmetric Algorithms?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:17:40

5K+ Views

Symmetric encryption is computational cryptography that encrypts electronic communication with a single encryption key. It converts data using a mathematical method and a secret key, resulting in the inability to understand a message. Because the mathematical procedure is reversed when decrypting the message using the same private key, symmetric encryption ... Read More

How safe is it to have an Instagram account?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:13:33


Instagram is amongst the most significant social media platforms in the world. It has millions of users that share photographs videos and utilize Instagram Direct to communicate with their followers, friends, and family. With all of this in mind, it's not surprising that many people are concerned about their Instagram ... Read More

Why you shouldn't use a VPN?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:10:02


The internet has never been a perfect world, and it is only growing riskier. Hacking, data breaches, and privacy catastrophes are all too prevalent. Many people are moving to virtual private networks (VPNs). But what precisely is a virtual private network (VPN)? Why do individuals utilize them in the first ... Read More

All you need to know about the Internet of Nano Things

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:06:25


It's reasonable to assume that by now, most of us have a basic idea of what the Internet of Things is and why it's so important to how our everyday objects function.Today, owing to the internet of things, we can turn everyday objects into nodes in a vast and powerful ... Read More

What is Gaggle How does it work?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:02:30


Mental health is an important component of total well-being and good health. According to the World Health Organization, "mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual recognizes his or her own talents, can manage with the normal demands of life, can work effectively, and can contribute to ... Read More

Can a seller be scammed on Facebook Marketplace?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:00:04

1K+ Views

Facebook Marketplace is exploding, with over one billion monthly users. Everything from baby cots to Gucci bags may be found locally at a reasonable price. Many Facebook Marketplace users are genuine individuals offering genuine goods. Unfortunately, con artists posing as legitimate consumers and merchants abound. You must protect yourself from ... Read More

Why does VPN decrease Internet speed?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 05:51:40


Users may notice a little slowdown in their internet connection after using a VPN. This is rather common, but why does it occur?This post will explain why VPNs slow down the internet and which services you should look into if you want to avoid losing data. A VPN is a ... Read More

What are the various techniques for data extraction?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 05:36:40

6K+ Views

Data is quickly becoming the digital economy's lifeblood, and as more organizations transition to online operations, the value of data is rapidly increasing. To be helpful, data must be collected and translated into a format that can be analyzed.Data collection is the initial step in using data for corporate growth ... Read More

What is the future of cybersecurity (2022)?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 05:32:08


Aside from the pandemic, 2022 might be a watershed year for technology. You're starting to wonder if your New Year's resolutions are working now that we're halfway into 2022! Whether you implemented new security processes in 2022, it's time to assess if they're safeguarding you as intended or if they ... Read More

What are the applications of autoencoders?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Mar-2022 05:28:15

2K+ Views

Data compression is utilized in computer vision, networks, architecture, and many other domains. Artificial Intelligence encompasses a wide range of technologies and techniques that enable computer systems to address challenges like Data Compression. Autoencoders are unsupervised neural networks that compress data via machine learning.What is an autoencoder?An autoencoder (AE) is ... Read More
