Kalyan Mishra has Published 64 Articles

Python - Prefix Tuple Records

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:33:47


In this article we will get to know about various method using which we can find the prefix tuple records using python programming language. Tuple is an immutable sequence-like list whose value cannot be changed once assigned. Here prefix tuple is a collection of tuples which have a common prefix. ... Read More

Finding Prefix frequency in a string List using Python

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:31:46


In this article we will learn how to find the prefix frequency in a string list using python. There are various ways to solve this program in python, we will look at some of them. Finding prefix frequency can help in finding the pattern and distribution of word uses in ... Read More

Show Power - Function Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:30:23


In this article we will learn about Power-Function distribution in statistics. We will checkout various methods using which we can analyze the power function distribution. In this post we will also know about how to fit the power function distributions if required. Before that let’s get to know about what ... Read More

Show Power Normal Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:28:55


In this article we will get to know Power Normal Distribution, its application and uses. We will learn to analyze the distribution by the help of different methods including PDF and CDF. Before that let's see what Power Normal Distribution is. Power Normal Distribution Power Normal Distribution is same as ... Read More

Show Power Log-Normal Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:28:00


In this article we will learn about Power Log-Normal Distribution, its application and uses. We will learn to analyze the distribution by the help of different methods including PDF and CDF. Before that let's see what Power Normal Distribution is. Power Log-Normal Distribution Power Log-Normal Distribution is variation of log-normal ... Read More

Python - Possible Substring count from String

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:27:03


This article we will learn about various methods using which a substring can be counted inside the given string. While working with python you may have come to a scenario when you need to check a given word has occurred how many times in the sentence or any string, so ... Read More

Python - Pairwise distances of n-dimensional Space Array

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:08:09


Pairwise distance calculation is used in various domains including data analysis, machine learning and image processing. We can calculate the pairwise distance between every pair of elements in each dataset. In this article we will get to know about various methods to calculate pairwise distances in python for arrays representing ... Read More

Popup Menu in wxPython

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 13-Oct-2023 10:30:55


In this article we will get to know about wxPython and we will create a program to make a pop-up item menu. Pop-up menus are graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which allow us to show some specific items and options. Here in this tutorial, we will learn how to create and ... Read More

How to Pair Elements with Rear elements in Matrix Row Using Python?

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 11-Oct-2023 10:36:52


In some scenarios of programming, you might have faced a time where you need to pair each element of matrices in a row with the rear element, in other words the element which appears immediately after the number. So, in this article we will be looking at some methods and ... Read More

Understanding Fusion Learning: The One Shot Federated Learning

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:19:35


In this article we will learn about Fusion learning and get to know how its working, its advantages and all other parameters. As technology grows we are getting more concerned about privacy in the field of machine learning. Earlier we used to train the data in centralized form which is ... Read More

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